Release Notes

Version Release Date Release Details
v4.0.1 (Current) March 7, 2022
  • Add curriculum preview links on Class Assignments section of Class edit page
  • Split publication entity into separate fields with tags and order by tag, year and authors
  • Upgrade to Django 2.2.27
  • Re-enable auto save on student assignments
  • Make question ckeditor default height bigger (200px)
  • In curriculum preview page make the font size of lists consistent with the rest of the paragraph
  • Disable Enter key press on Curricula tile page
  • On curriculum edit, curriculum preview and student assignment pages make the page navigation section visible over the page content
  • Make unit navigation on curriculum edit page sticky
  • On mobile view, when clicking the Register/Login buttons from the hamburger menu 🍔, collapse the hamburger menu before loading the Register/Login modals
v4.0.0 Jan. 3, 2022
  • New Student Progress Dashboard that dispalys a list of all students across all classes for a teacher with their aggregate assignment status. Each student can be expanded to view individual assignment status. This list can be filtered by class, curriculum and student and be sorted by displayed columns.
  • Revised Unit Progress Dashboard that displays a list of students in a class along with the status of each assigned lesson in a unit. This list can be filtered by class, curriculum and student and be sorted by displayed columns.
  • New Lesson Progress Dashboard that displays a list of students in a class along with the status of each question in an assigned lesson. This list can be filtered by class, curriculum and student and be sorted by displayed columns.
  • Revised Student Assignment Feedback page with the ability to jump to a different class, assigned curriculum and student from the available dropdowns. This page also allows teachers to jump to a Question Feedback page.
  • New Teacher Dashboard with active class tiles and assignments grouped by class or unit/lesson
  • New Assignment Dashboard that displays a list of all assignments across all classes for a teacher with respective status. This list can be filtered by class and curriculum and sorted by the displayed columns.
  • Revised Question Feedback page with the ability to jump to a different class, assigned curriculum and question from the available dropdowns. This page also allows teachers to jump to a Student Assignment Feedback page.
  • Revise Researcher role permission: Researchers are allowed to view/edit all content except student identity.
  • Allow netLogo models embedded on curriculum pages to log student id, curriculum id and page number
  • Upgrade to Django 2.2.25
  • Revised Class Edit page with navigation on the left to jump to specific sections of the page. The page also has a dropdown menu at the top and bottom to perform class actions.
  • Display all questions when reviewing student responses regardless of assignment status/question attempt
  • Standardize button colors: yellow for save, gray for cancel/close, red for delete and blue for the rest
  • Standardize expanding and collapsing text/block with (+) and (-) icons prepended to the text.
  • Consolidate "Add Student to Class" options (Upload, Create, Add New, Search and Add) into one modal.
  • Update curriculum edit url in the email sent to collaborators
  • Assignments with many sketch and data table questions cause an error when saving feedback.
v3.9.0 Aug. 16, 2021
  • Django 2.2.24 upgrade
  • Revise the error message on student assignment page and auto scroll to the first question with an error
  • Load curriculum/page preview on a new tab
  • Remove inactive video links from teacher support page
  • Hebrew characters in unit title breaking student response export a) cleaning up html tags in the exported file b) wrapping text by default
  • Teachers/researchers unable to find underlying lessons that they authored
v3.8.4 June 24, 2021
  • Research Category in a question is made mandatory with a help text to facilitate multiple selection
  • Compatible System field removed from Curriculum
  • Fade-in/Fade-out effect in Teacher Guide and FAQ removed.
  • Multi-select Subject field in a Curriculum converted to multi-select checkboxes.
v3.8.3 May 10, 2021
  • Students can now sort and filter their old lessons and assignments.
  • Now real time feedback is provided for students on activity pages. For teachers, there is automatic grading on correctness for drop down and multiple choice questions.
  • Student's statuses are now displayed on Class Page. Teachers can check when students were last active on CT-Stem.
  • There is a new Hamburger menu on student activity pages that links to My Assignments, Profile, and Logout in order to make the navigating the website more convenient.
  • Student accounts can be marked as a "Test Account". Any curriculum assigned exclusively to test student can be deleted.
v3.8.2 March 8, 2021
  • Teacher Guide and Help & FAQ available under Teacher Support menu
  • Link to delete teacher accounts, accidentally created, provided in account validation email.
  • Alphabetical (Last name, First name) navigation of student feedback pages when using Previous/Next buttons.
v3.8.1 Feb. 5, 2021
  • Curriculum editor action buttons (Preview/Copy/Delete/Reorder) organized under a dropdown menu.
v3.8.0 Dec. 18, 2020
  • Curriculum editor form is broken up by page to allow authors to edit one page at a time. Page navigation at the top of the form allows easy navigation between pages.
  • A new CKEditor Plugin allows users to browse and embed any NetLogo Web model that is currently available in the official NLW Models Library.
  • Student file upload limit increased to 10MB
v3.7.0 Nov. 13, 2020
  • A new Student Dashboard allows teachers to track student progress across lessons.
  • We've finally released the release notes! The page you're looking at, linked in the footer, displays release notes in reverse chronological order. For admins, this includes a form to add/edit release notes.
  • Leading and trailing whitespaces in search fields are trimmed throughout the website.
  • Added a check for export permissions before student responses can be exported.
  • Resolved a data table ID clash that was causing tables to merge within a lesson.
  • Sketch pad on mobile devices not retaining strokes.
v3.6.0 Oct. 19, 2020
  • There's a new Question Bank! Users can search for and add public or private questions by page/question number, answer field type, question text, and research category.
  • Administrators can add and edit public questions.
  • Administrators and researchers can export student responses to questions copied from public questions.
v3.5.0 Sept. 22, 2020
  • Teachers can provide feedback on assignments regardless of assignment status (In Progress, Submitted, Feedback Completed or Archived).
  • If the user is not logged in or doesn't have a CT-STEM account while scrolling on the website, a pop up appears and asks the user to login before allowing them to view a non-public curriculum.
  • Now, website Administrators can remove or adjust their collaborator status.
  • The user will no longer see the "class shared with teacher" confirmation pop up.
  • After there are any changes to page ordering in a lesson, all page numbers and question numbers are synced upon saving the curriculum.
  • Loading sharing and inviting links back to back no longer interferes with updates to the Google Classroom sharing link.
v3.4.0 Aug. 27, 2020
  • Google has been linked with the CT-STEM website, so teachers and students can create accounts and sign into the site through their existing Google accounts.
  • Invite Links can be generated from either the curriculum edit page or the preview page. Only Students are allowed to Sign Up through their Google account when accessing the invite link. Any other users are only allowed to Sign In using their Google account.
  • Teachers can share links to private curriculums now, and these links contain permission codes.
  • Teachers can generate a direct link to a specific student assignment or use the link to share it with a Google Classroom. This is available on the class edit page and Assignment Dashboard.
  • Question categories are now hidden on Curriculum Preview and Student pages.
  • Categories remain visible on the Curriculum Editor and Assignment Dashboard.
  • When the user hits the copy button, the title of the copy will be "Copy of [Lesson Name]".
v3.3.0 July 28, 2020
  • Allow curriculum authors to search for existing questions to be added to the curriculum
  • On Underlying Lesson preview, display Subject, Level and Standards from the Unit
  • When updating the status of a Unit, sync the status of all underlying lessons that haven't been deleted
  • When a curriculum is archived, also archive associated assignments for students and teachers if the assignments are all completed
  • The 🍔 menu is back! While previewing the student view, teachers can navigate back to the unit preview through this menu or to another Lesson in the Unit
  • Allow underlying lessons to have a teacher notes field and remove teacher notes from each page
  • Arrange Curriculum Order and Status fields horizontally in Curriculum Editor
  • When clicking Add Page button on Curriculum Editor, auto scroll to the bottom of the screen where the newly added page form is added and temporarily highlight the page form
  • In the Curricula table view, display deleted Curriculum in a separate tab for Admins. Allow the deleted Curriculum to be restored from the table view and Preview for Admins
  • Added a Research Category filter in the Question Search modal
  • On an Underlying Lesson preview, clicking another lesson link from the hamburger menu should redirect to Page 0 of that lesson
  • Sticky headers: On all pages with a table, fix the table header to the top of the screen just below the menu while scrolling
  • On Curriculum preview and on Student page 0, list the contents of the attachments if one exists
  • When attempting to archive a curriculum with in-progress assignments, update the warning message to "You cannot archive this curriculum at this time because there may be students currently working on it. Archiving will affect all students and teachers who have assigned this curriculum. Please try again later."
  • When saving a Curriculum Editor form, highlight missing fields in red
  • On the Curriculum Editor, group Teacher attachment field and Student attachment field separately
  • When previewing an underlying lesson, highlight the lesson being previewed in the hamburger menu
  • In the Curriculum Editor, put Teacher Attachment field and Teacher notes field next to each other
  • Newly added pages in a Curriculum editor should have the same CkEditor toolbar as in pre-existing pages
  • Copying a curriculum with a question that has a sketch background throws an error
v3.2.0 June 26, 2020
  • Curricula tiles can be sorted by Updated Date, Alphabetically, or Popularity
  • The number of fields in a form that can be saved at once has been increased to accommodate the increasing number of fields in a Curriculum Editor
  • Curricula can no longer be locked. But users can now archive their curricula
  • Removed the Back button from the curriculum edit page
  • Edits to the Editor: starts at page 1 instead of 0, reduced question table font size, "Overview" added to the curriculum title in the first content box
  • On Curriculum Editor, display Student Directions and Student Attachments in a separate box below the Overview box
  • Prepend text 'Page' to page number in curriculum page editor
  • Rename Lesson Plan to Lesson
  • Deleted Curricula tiles are identified by a trash icon on the tile
  • Teachers can favorite the curricula they authored
  • A teacher or a researcher who can view a curriculum can also copy that curriculum
  • On an Underlying Lesson or Unit editor, any underlying lesson can be copied from the left unit navigation menu. A new lesson can be added from the left unit navigation menu
  • Student and teacher attachment links are displayed separately in Preview. Only allow students to view/download student attachments from page 0
v3.1.0 May 28, 2020
  • Added a button that allows users to toggle between table and tile views while browsing curricula
  • To streamline lesson editing, Curricula sub menus are no longer available. Buttons have also been arranged more intuitively across class tiles and class table views
  • When the user wants to favorite a lesson, assignment, assessment, they can press the star icon and it will turn yellow
  • When a user is not logged in, they only see the curricula tiles. When logged in, they can also toggle to a table view
  • Icons for expanding and collapsing in the Search and Assign pop-up are labeled by text. The 'Cancel' button in the curriculum navigation popup is now 'Close', and 'Remix' is now 'Make a Copy'
  • More consistency across tile images, assignment tiles, standard tiles, class tiles, and curricula tiles. Included are button styling updates across all pages
  • Saving a new unit without all mandatory fields filled throws server error

v4.0.1 (Current)

March 7, 2022
Minor Changes
  • Add curriculum preview links on Class Assignments section of Class edit page
  • Split publication entity into separate fields with tags and order by tag, year and authors
  • Upgrade to Django 2.2.27
  • Re-enable auto save on student assignments
  • Make question ckeditor default height bigger (200px)
Bug Fixes
  • In curriculum preview page make the font size of lists consistent with the rest of the paragraph
  • Disable Enter key press on Curricula tile page
  • On curriculum edit, curriculum preview and student assignment pages make the page navigation section visible over the page content
  • Make unit navigation on curriculum edit page sticky
  • On mobile view, when clicking the Register/Login buttons from the hamburger menu 🍔, collapse the hamburger menu before loading the Register/Login modals


Jan. 3, 2022
Major Changes
  • New Student Progress Dashboard that dispalys a list of all students across all classes for a teacher with their aggregate assignment status. Each student can be expanded to view individual assignment status. This list can be filtered by class, curriculum and student and be sorted by displayed columns.
  • Revised Unit Progress Dashboard that displays a list of students in a class along with the status of each assigned lesson in a unit. This list can be filtered by class, curriculum and student and be sorted by displayed columns.
  • New Lesson Progress Dashboard that displays a list of students in a class along with the status of each question in an assigned lesson. This list can be filtered by class, curriculum and student and be sorted by displayed columns.
  • Revised Student Assignment Feedback page with the ability to jump to a different class, assigned curriculum and student from the available dropdowns. This page also allows teachers to jump to a Question Feedback page.
  • New Teacher Dashboard with active class tiles and assignments grouped by class or unit/lesson
  • New Assignment Dashboard that displays a list of all assignments across all classes for a teacher with respective status. This list can be filtered by class and curriculum and sorted by the displayed columns.
  • Revised Question Feedback page with the ability to jump to a different class, assigned curriculum and question from the available dropdowns. This page also allows teachers to jump to a Student Assignment Feedback page.
  • Revise Researcher role permission: Researchers are allowed to view/edit all content except student identity.
Minor Changes
  • Allow netLogo models embedded on curriculum pages to log student id, curriculum id and page number
  • Upgrade to Django 2.2.25
  • Revised Class Edit page with navigation on the left to jump to specific sections of the page. The page also has a dropdown menu at the top and bottom to perform class actions.
  • Display all questions when reviewing student responses regardless of assignment status/question attempt
  • Standardize button colors: yellow for save, gray for cancel/close, red for delete and blue for the rest
  • Standardize expanding and collapsing text/block with (+) and (-) icons prepended to the text.
  • Consolidate "Add Student to Class" options (Upload, Create, Add New, Search and Add) into one modal.
Bug Fixes
  • Update curriculum edit url in the email sent to collaborators
  • Assignments with many sketch and data table questions cause an error when saving feedback.


Aug. 16, 2021
Major Changes
  • Django 2.2.24 upgrade
Minor Changes
  • Revise the error message on student assignment page and auto scroll to the first question with an error
  • Load curriculum/page preview on a new tab
  • Remove inactive video links from teacher support page
Bug Fixes
  • Hebrew characters in unit title breaking student response export a) cleaning up html tags in the exported file b) wrapping text by default
  • Teachers/researchers unable to find underlying lessons that they authored


June 24, 2021
Minor Changes
  • Research Category in a question is made mandatory with a help text to facilitate multiple selection
  • Compatible System field removed from Curriculum
  • Fade-in/Fade-out effect in Teacher Guide and FAQ removed.
  • Multi-select Subject field in a Curriculum converted to multi-select checkboxes.


May 10, 2021
Minor Changes
  • Students can now sort and filter their old lessons and assignments.
  • Now real time feedback is provided for students on activity pages. For teachers, there is automatic grading on correctness for drop down and multiple choice questions.
  • Student's statuses are now displayed on Class Page. Teachers can check when students were last active on CT-Stem.
  • There is a new Hamburger menu on student activity pages that links to My Assignments, Profile, and Logout in order to make the navigating the website more convenient.
  • Student accounts can be marked as a "Test Account". Any curriculum assigned exclusively to test student can be deleted.


March 8, 2021
Minor Changes
  • Teacher Guide and Help & FAQ available under Teacher Support menu
  • Link to delete teacher accounts, accidentally created, provided in account validation email.
  • Alphabetical (Last name, First name) navigation of student feedback pages when using Previous/Next buttons.


Feb. 5, 2021
Minor Changes
  • Curriculum editor action buttons (Preview/Copy/Delete/Reorder) organized under a dropdown menu.


Dec. 18, 2020
Major Changes
  • Curriculum editor form is broken up by page to allow authors to edit one page at a time. Page navigation at the top of the form allows easy navigation between pages.
Minor Changes
  • A new CKEditor Plugin allows users to browse and embed any NetLogo Web model that is currently available in the official NLW Models Library.
  • Student file upload limit increased to 10MB


Nov. 13, 2020
Major Changes
  • A new Student Dashboard allows teachers to track student progress across lessons.
  • We've finally released the release notes! The page you're looking at, linked in the footer, displays release notes in reverse chronological order. For admins, this includes a form to add/edit release notes.
Bug Fixes
  • Leading and trailing whitespaces in search fields are trimmed throughout the website.
  • Added a check for export permissions before student responses can be exported.
  • Resolved a data table ID clash that was causing tables to merge within a lesson.
  • Sketch pad on mobile devices not retaining strokes.


Oct. 19, 2020
Major Changes
  • There's a new Question Bank! Users can search for and add public or private questions by page/question number, answer field type, question text, and research category.
  • Administrators can add and edit public questions.
  • Administrators and researchers can export student responses to questions copied from public questions.


Sept. 22, 2020
Major Changes
  • Teachers can provide feedback on assignments regardless of assignment status (In Progress, Submitted, Feedback Completed or Archived).
  • If the user is not logged in or doesn't have a CT-STEM account while scrolling on the website, a pop up appears and asks the user to login before allowing them to view a non-public curriculum.
Minor Changes
  • Now, website Administrators can remove or adjust their collaborator status.
  • The user will no longer see the "class shared with teacher" confirmation pop up.
Bug Fixes
  • After there are any changes to page ordering in a lesson, all page numbers and question numbers are synced upon saving the curriculum.
  • Loading sharing and inviting links back to back no longer interferes with updates to the Google Classroom sharing link.


Aug. 27, 2020
Major Changes
  • Google has been linked with the CT-STEM website, so teachers and students can create accounts and sign into the site through their existing Google accounts.
  • Invite Links can be generated from either the curriculum edit page or the preview page. Only Students are allowed to Sign Up through their Google account when accessing the invite link. Any other users are only allowed to Sign In using their Google account.
  • Teachers can share links to private curriculums now, and these links contain permission codes.
  • Teachers can generate a direct link to a specific student assignment or use the link to share it with a Google Classroom. This is available on the class edit page and Assignment Dashboard.
Minor Changes
  • Question categories are now hidden on Curriculum Preview and Student pages.
  • Categories remain visible on the Curriculum Editor and Assignment Dashboard.
  • When the user hits the copy button, the title of the copy will be "Copy of [Lesson Name]".


July 28, 2020
Major Changes
  • Allow curriculum authors to search for existing questions to be added to the curriculum
  • On Underlying Lesson preview, display Subject, Level and Standards from the Unit
  • When updating the status of a Unit, sync the status of all underlying lessons that haven't been deleted
  • When a curriculum is archived, also archive associated assignments for students and teachers if the assignments are all completed
  • The 🍔 menu is back! While previewing the student view, teachers can navigate back to the unit preview through this menu or to another Lesson in the Unit
Minor Changes
  • Allow underlying lessons to have a teacher notes field and remove teacher notes from each page
  • Arrange Curriculum Order and Status fields horizontally in Curriculum Editor
  • When clicking Add Page button on Curriculum Editor, auto scroll to the bottom of the screen where the newly added page form is added and temporarily highlight the page form
  • In the Curricula table view, display deleted Curriculum in a separate tab for Admins. Allow the deleted Curriculum to be restored from the table view and Preview for Admins
  • Added a Research Category filter in the Question Search modal
  • On an Underlying Lesson preview, clicking another lesson link from the hamburger menu should redirect to Page 0 of that lesson
  • Sticky headers: On all pages with a table, fix the table header to the top of the screen just below the menu while scrolling
  • On Curriculum preview and on Student page 0, list the contents of the attachments if one exists
  • When attempting to archive a curriculum with in-progress assignments, update the warning message to "You cannot archive this curriculum at this time because there may be students currently working on it. Archiving will affect all students and teachers who have assigned this curriculum. Please try again later."
  • When saving a Curriculum Editor form, highlight missing fields in red
  • On the Curriculum Editor, group Teacher attachment field and Student attachment field separately
  • When previewing an underlying lesson, highlight the lesson being previewed in the hamburger menu
  • In the Curriculum Editor, put Teacher Attachment field and Teacher notes field next to each other
Bug Fixes
  • Newly added pages in a Curriculum editor should have the same CkEditor toolbar as in pre-existing pages
  • Copying a curriculum with a question that has a sketch background throws an error


June 26, 2020
Major Changes
  • Curricula tiles can be sorted by Updated Date, Alphabetically, or Popularity
  • The number of fields in a form that can be saved at once has been increased to accommodate the increasing number of fields in a Curriculum Editor
  • Curricula can no longer be locked. But users can now archive their curricula
Minor Changes
  • Removed the Back button from the curriculum edit page
  • Edits to the Editor: starts at page 1 instead of 0, reduced question table font size, "Overview" added to the curriculum title in the first content box
  • On Curriculum Editor, display Student Directions and Student Attachments in a separate box below the Overview box
  • Prepend text 'Page' to page number in curriculum page editor
  • Rename Lesson Plan to Lesson
  • Deleted Curricula tiles are identified by a trash icon on the tile
  • Teachers can favorite the curricula they authored
  • A teacher or a researcher who can view a curriculum can also copy that curriculum
  • On an Underlying Lesson or Unit editor, any underlying lesson can be copied from the left unit navigation menu. A new lesson can be added from the left unit navigation menu
Bug Fixes
  • Student and teacher attachment links are displayed separately in Preview. Only allow students to view/download student attachments from page 0


May 28, 2020
Major Changes
  • Added a button that allows users to toggle between table and tile views while browsing curricula
  • To streamline lesson editing, Curricula sub menus are no longer available. Buttons have also been arranged more intuitively across class tiles and class table views
Minor Changes
  • When the user wants to favorite a lesson, assignment, assessment, they can press the star icon and it will turn yellow
  • When a user is not logged in, they only see the curricula tiles. When logged in, they can also toggle to a table view
  • Icons for expanding and collapsing in the Search and Assign pop-up are labeled by text. The 'Cancel' button in the curriculum navigation popup is now 'Close', and 'Remix' is now 'Make a Copy'
  • More consistency across tile images, assignment tiles, standard tiles, class tiles, and curricula tiles. Included are button styling updates across all pages
Bug Fixes
  • Saving a new unit without all mandatory fields filled throws server error