Teacher Guide
Updated: 04/12/2021
Getting Started
Need help creating an account?
- Hit the blue register button either on the top right of the screen or in the center of the page
- If you already have an account, hit the white login button on the top right of the screen
- Enter your email address and enter a password
- If you want to log into your new account, you must go into your email and activate the account
- After you have activated your account and returned to the CT-STEM website, you will be directed to the Teacher Dashboard. There are different tabs on the top of the website that expand on computational thinking and our goal at CT-STEM
Login Isn't Working?
1. Change your password by clicking "Forget Password" Button
2. If this doesn't continue to work. Contact CT-STEM by emailing ctstem@northwestern.edu
Navigating the Teacher Dashboard
Walkthrough for the Teacher Dashboard
- Your Teacher Dashboard helps keep track of classes, assignments, and students’ progress
- To create a class, click on the tile with “Add New Class” displayed
- A new screen should be displayed with class information
- This includes a class title, subject, an icon for the class, time of class, option to share with other teachers, and a class description
- These fields need to be filled out in order to create a new class
- Click the green “Save Class” button to save the class
- A new screen should be displayed with class information
- From the same screen, you can add students under “Students” with the three icons, or you can use the icons on the Dashboard
- The blue magnifying glass button can be used to search students
- The green button can be used to add students to the class
- The blue plus button can be used to create student accounts for CT-STEM
- From the same screen, you can assign students curricula, or you can search for assignments from Curricula
- When all these steps have been completed, the class should appear as a new tile under Teacher Dashboard
- With each class tile, there should be four colorful buttons on the bottom right of each class tile
- These are the icons:
The yellow button on the top left will generate an invitation link that students can use to join the class
The green button on the top right allows you to add students by typing their emails out
The orange button on the bottom left leads you to the Assignment Dashboard, and more information can be found below
The blue button on the bottom right allows you to search and add assignments, however you can always go to Curricula to search for lessons as well
- These are the icons:
- Edit Class
- From the Teacher Dashboard you can also edit your classes. Click on the tile in the Teacher Dashboard This will bring you to “Edit Class” page and show the students in the class, their assigned curricula, and this will allow you to make any kind of edits for the class
- This is the same page that appeared when the class is made
- You can edit the name, icon, time period, assigned curricula, and the students in the class
- This is the only place you can delete assignments and students for a class. Note that you cannot delete assignments after students have started it and students deleted from the class may lose their data
- This is the same page that appeared when the class is made
- From the Teacher Dashboard you can also edit your classes. Click on the tile in the Teacher Dashboard This will bring you to “Edit Class” page and show the students in the class, their assigned curricula, and this will allow you to make any kind of edits for the class
Icon Guide
- These are the icons on the class tiles
This button will generate an invitation link that students can use to join the class
This button allows you to add students by typing their emails out
This button leads you to the Assignment Dashboard, and more information can be found below
This button allows you to search and add assignments, however you can always go to Curricula to search for lessons as well
Create and Edit Classes
1. Create a new class by clicking on the tile "Create New Class"
- A new screen should be displayed with class information
- This includes a class title, subject, an icon for the class, time of class, option to share with other teachers, and a class description
- These fields need to be filled out in order to create a new class
- Click the green “Save Class” button to save the class
- From the same screen, you can add students under “Students” with the three icons, or you can use the icons on the Dashboard
- The blue magnifying glass button can be used to search students
- The green button can be used to add students to the class
- The blue plus button can be used to create student accounts for CT-STEM
- From the same screen, you can assign students curricula, or you can search for assignments from Curricula
- When all these steps have been completed, the class should appear as a new tile under Teacher Dashboard
- Edit Classes
- From the Teacher Dashboard you can also edit your classes. Click on the tile in the Teacher Dashboard This will bring you to “Edit Class” page and show the students in the class, their assigned curricula, and this will allow you to make any kind of edits for the class
- This is the same page that appeared when the class is made
- You can edit the name, icon, time period, assigned curricula, and the students in the class
- This is the only place you can delete assignments and students for a class. Note that you cannot delete assignments after students have started it and students deleted from the class may lose their data
- This is the same page that appeared when the class is made
How to Add Students to Classes
1. There are multiple ways to add Students to your classes
a. The blue magnifying class can be used to search for students. Just enter their username, email, or first name and last name. This is best used to add one student at a time.
b. The green button can be used to add multiple students by inputting their emails.
c. The blue plus button will create a student's account and add them to the class.
d. You can also give the students a class code so that they can join the class.
Navigating Curricula
Walkthrough for the Curricula
- To reach Curricula, click on the tab that says “Curricula” on the top left of the screen
- A new screen should appear with “Curricula” in the top center on top of a blue background
- By default, the Curricula appears as tiles, but you can switch to table view with the golden button on the top right corner that says “switch to table view”
- Under Curricula, you can Create Curriculum (see below), or search or filter for existing curriculum based on topics or for units, lessons, and assessments
- Lessons hold pages that contain student activities and questions
- Units combine different lessons together into a cohesive whole. When you click on a Unit tile, you’ll see all the underlying Lessons associated with that Unit
- Assessments are a special curricula type that are meant to measure certain skills. They are identical to Lessons and can be added to Units.
- After finding a lesson/unit/assessment that you would like to assign to a certain class, you click on the tile for it and it leads you to a new page about the curriculum
- This page will give you a detailed description of the curriculum, around how long the curricula is expected to take, and the level of the curriculum
- If it is an Unit, all the underlying lessons will be displayed and they can be accessed as well by clicking on Underlying Lesson tiles
- If this lesson/unit/assessment is suitable, click the blue button “Assign”, and choose a class to assign the lesson
- Click on the blue button “Make a copy” to make a copy of the lesson
- After clicking on the “Make a copy” button, you will be automatically directed to the curriculum editor. You should also receive an email that says that you now have editing privileges
- Favorite lessons by clicking on the yellow star next to the name of a curriculum
- This will put the lesson under “My Favorites” which can be filtered in the Curricula page or found under Quick links in the Teacher Dashboard
- To create your own curriculum, click the black “Create Curriculum” button
- This will take you to the curriculum editor
- Select the type of curricula: unit, lesson, or assessment
- After selecting, new fields will appear to add information to the lesson
- This will allow you to select a subject, make a title, icons, etc
- You will be able to add extra lessons and pages
- Save when completed
- On the Curricula page, you will be able to find your new curriculum using the My Curricula filter
Difference Between Lessons and Units
Lessons hold pages that contain student activities and questions
Units combine different lessons together into a cohesive whole. When you click on a Unit tile, you’ll see all the underlying Lessons associated with that Unit
Example: The name of the unit is "Fire Model" and in that unit there are 4 individual lessons.
How to Assign Curricula
- After finding a lesson/unit/assessment that you would like to assign to a certain class, you click on the tile for it and it leads you to a new page about the curriculum
- This page will give you a detailed description of the curriculum, around how long the curricula is expected to take, and the level of the curriculum
- If it is an Unit, all the underlying lessons will be displayed and they can be accessed as well by clicking on Underlying Lesson tiles
- If this lesson/unit/assessment is suitable, click the blue button “Assign”, and choose a class to assign the lesson
- Click on the blue button “Make a copy” to make a copy of the lesson
- After clicking on the “Make a copy” button, you will be automatically directed to the curriculum editor. You should also receive an email that says that you now have editing privileges
Creating your own Curriculum
- To create your own curriculum, click the black “Create Curriculum” button
- This will take you to the curriculum editor
- Select the type of curricula: unit, lesson, or assessment
- After selecting, new fields will appear to add information to the lesson
- This will allow you to select a subject, make a title, icons, etc
- You will be able to add extra lessons and pages
- Save when completed
Can I Assign an Individual Lesson from a Unit?
Yes! If you find a Unit with a specific lesson that fits your course, click on the lesson. Then click assign or make a copy.
Curriculum Editor
Walkthrough for Curriculum Editor
- When you make a copy of a curriculum or create a curriculum, you can make changes to almost any part of the curriculum in the Curriculum Editor
- In the curriculum editor, on the top of the lesson you will see the page numbers for each lesson plus a teacher overview
- If you are in a unit, you can view each lesson and edit each lesson using the navigation on the left
- There is an option to change the status of the lesson such as making it private or archiving the lesson.
- Archive lessons only when students are done with it. Archiving the lesson will do so for all teachers who have assigned the unit.
- You can add pages, which contains the content and questions that students will interact with
- For each page, there is a Question section
- You can customize the questions, make a question optional, add questions, search for questions, or delete questions
- The blue plus icon allows you to type your own question
- Another whe blue magnifying glass icon allows you to search for questions in your curriculum or in the CT-STEM question bank by filtering page numbers, categories, the type of answer you are expecting (e.g., multiple choice, graphs, text boxes)
- The orange button allows you to collapse or expand the questions
- There are many different types of response options for questions
- Text Area- This allows the student to type their answers in a text box and format their responses (bold, italics, underline, etc)
- Text Field- This is for a short text response without the options to format their responses
- Drop Down- This gives several options and the student must select one of the options
- Multi-Select- The student is allowed to select multiple answers using checkboxes
- Multiple Choice/ with Images/ with Horizontal Layout- This is multiple choice with different options for displaying responses
- Student must select one option
- File- The student must upload a file as their response
- Sketch- The student must sketch a response
- Data Table- The student must type responses into a Data Table as an answer
- You can make data tables for the questions
- Data tables require “ | ” in order to know what is being put in a row or column
- For example, putting Population | Time, would result in the first row of the data table having a heading of Time and the Column would have a heading of population
- If you have any questions with what the answer field type requires, click on the info icon next to “Options” and the image above should appear.
- The image below shows a lot of the functions that you can do with the questions
- Always remember to save your Curriculum!
- You can customize the questions, make a question optional, add questions, search for questions, or delete questions
If you ever need to find the curricula that you have edited, go back to Curricula and select the filter for “My Curricula”
Guide for the Different Type of Response Options
- Text Area- This allows the student to type their answers in a text box and format their responses (bold, italics, underline, etc)
- Text Field- This is for a short text response without the options to format their responses
- Drop Down- This gives several options and the student must select one of the options
- Multi-Select- The student is allowed to select multiple answers using checkboxes
- Multiple Choice/ with Images/ with Horizontal Layout- This is multiple choice with different options for displaying responses
- Student must select one option
- File- The student must upload a file as their response
- Sketch- The student must sketch a response
- Data Table- The student must type responses into a Data Table as an answer
- You can make data tables for the questions
- Data tables require “ | ” in order to know what is being put in a row or column
- For example, putting Population | Time, would result in the first row of the data table having a heading of Time and the Column would have a heading of population
Adding Questions to the Curriculum
- For each page, there is a Question section
- You can customize the questions, make a question optional, add questions, search for questions, or delete questions
- The blue plus icon allows you to type your own question
- The blue magnifying glass icon allows you to search for questions in your curriculum or in the CT-STEM question bank by filtering page numbers, categories, the type of answer you are expecting (e.g., multiple choice, graphs, text boxes)
How to find your Edited Curricula
1. To go to find your Edited Curricula
a. Go to the Curricula Page
b. Look under My Collections
c. Check off "My curricula"
Adding Lessons vs. Adding Pages
1. When you're editing a Curriculum for a Unit, the number of lessons per unit will be displayed on the left hand side.
a. You can add extra lessons or delete certain lessons
2. On the top, there are page numbers. Each lesson has its own pages that make up the lesson
a. You can add pages with extra questions
Assignment Dashboard
Walkthrough for Assignment Dashboard
- To view student progress in an assignment, go to the Teacher Dashboard.
- To go into an assignment dashboard, click on the orange timer icon for a single class
- A list of all the curricula that have been assigned to that particular class will appear
- On the very left, you can review curricula by clicking on the eye icon underneath each assigned curricula
- On the left you can also review student progress by clicking the orange timer icon. It will show the status of all students for a given unit
- This is the new student progress Dashboard
- You can use the action buttons to see student responses, download student responses, or lock/unlock students’ assignments
- You can also change units using the dropdown menu
- You can see the status of the students enrolled in the class
- Green indicates completed, blue indicates in progress, grey indicates not started, orange indicates that teacher feedback has been given
- On the very right, under “Student Activity” for each assignment, there will be two icons
- The blue icon will download the student data into an .csv file
- The orange icon will lead you deeper into the Assignment Dashboard for a given class
- From here, you will be able to see the statistics of each individual student and how much time they have spent working on a specific assignment, when they started and ended, the percentage of their progress
- You will also be able to organize by student or by questions
- Click on the green chat icon to view a certain student’s answers and give feedback
- There are options to react with emojis for quick feedback
- While you are giving a certain student feedback, you can also click on the button “Next Student” or “Previous Student” to move on quickly to see the next student’s work
- Click Save Feedback or Submit
- The orange lock icon will unlock or lock the assignment so that students can still either make changes or not be able to make changes to their answers
How to Check a Student's Progress
- On the very right, under “Student Activity” for each assignment, there will be two icons
- The orange icon will lead you deeper into the Assignment Dashboard for a given class
- From here, you will be able to see the statistics of each individual student and how much time they have spent working on a specific assignment, when they started and ended, the percentage of their progress
- You will also be able to see how much of the assignment each student has completed
- The orange icon will lead you deeper into the Assignment Dashboard for a given class
Giving Feedback
- Click on the green chat icon to view a certain student’s answers and give feedback
- There are options to react with emojis for quick feedback
- While you are giving a certain student feedback, you can also click on the button “Next Student” or “Previous Student” to move on quickly to see the next student’s work
- Click Save Feedback or Submit
- The orange lock icon will unlock or lock the assignment so that students can still either make changes or not be able to make changes to their answers