How do the assumptions of the KMT compare to the block-based code of your model? What are the differences? What are the similarities? (min 2 sentences)
In this lesson, the students learn the basic assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) and how they help us conceptualize "pressure as a macro-level property that emerges from the micro-level interactions between many gas particles".
The lesson starts with the basic assumptions of KMT [1]:
1. The gas is composed of a large number of identical molecules moving in random directions, separated by distances that are large compared with their size.
2. Collision between gas particles occur like collisions between billiard balls (i.e. elastic collision). Otherwise, they do not interact. There are no attractive or repulsive forces between the particles.
3. Any energy the particles have is because of their motion only (i.e. kinetic energy).
4. These assumptions are simplifications that describe a theoretical "ideal gas". Most real gases behave qualitatively like an ideal gas.
The students reflect on the assumptions of the KMT and their own gas particle models from Lesson 1.
Then, the students are given an introductory definition of pressure. They are guided through an investigation of this definition using a simple NetLogo model of the bike tire. They observe the effects of adding particles through a valve on the pressure of the tire. They also consider the trade-offs of making simplifications when constructing models of systems.
The lesson ends with a "discrepant event" activity to stimulate transfer: "Can blow up a balloon inside a bottle?".
[1] The students are not expected to learn mathematical representations of the KMT as it is too complex for this grade level.
The 2019 version of this unit is developed by Umit Aslan ( and Nicholas LaGrassa (
A majority of this unit is adopted from the earlier Connected Chemistry units developed by Uri Wilensky, Mike Stieff, Sharona Levy, and Michael Novak (see for more details). Some elements are also taken from the Particulate Nature of the Matter unit developed by Corey Brady, Michael Novak, Nathan Holbert, and Firat Soylu (see for more details).
We also thank undergraduate research assistants Aimee Moses, Carson Rogge, Sumit Chandra, and Mitchell Estberg for their contributions.
In this lesson, you will use a scientific model similar to the one you developed in the previous lesson. Using this model, you will observe the effects of pumping air into a bike tire.
The simple bike tire model will help us understand:
In Lesson 1, we tried to hypothesize about how gas particles behave in a container. We did so by writing our hypotheses verbally, sketching, developing static computational representations, and finally defining the behavior of the gas particles within a block-based programming environment.
The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) is the scientific theory that is used to explain and predict the behavior of different objects that use air pressure to function such as these:
The main assumptions of Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) are the following:
Before we move on to the implications of KMT, let's first reflect on how these assumptions compare to our gas particle models from the Lesson 1.
How do the assumptions of the KMT compare to the block-based code of your model? What are the differences? What are the similarities? (min 2 sentences)
Why would it be important to know how gas particles behave inside a container? If you are not sure, try to hypothesize (min 2 sentences).
Study a physical bike tire and a pump (or equivalent objects chosen by your teacher) in the classroom. Try to observe what happens when you pump air into the tire. As you are doing this, keep the assumptions of KMT in your mind.
Then, familiarize yourselves with the simple computational bike-tire model below. To run it, first click the button, and then click the
button. If you would like to pause the model, you can click the "➤➤ go" button again.
For now, just experiment with the model freely as you experimented with the physical bike tire and pump. Observe what happens when you run the model with different settings. Please do not spend more than 4 minutes on this task.
How does this model compare to a real (physical) bike tire? What is missing? What is common? (min 2 sentences)
How does this model compare to your air duster can model from Lesson 1? What is missing? What is common? (min 2 sentences)
Did you try to add more particles? If no, scroll up and try to add more particles using the button. What happens when you add more particles? Do you observe any visible change(s)?
Tip: Using the option may help.
Pressure 🔗 is defined as force per unit area. It is represented by the ratio of force to area:
(P)ressure = (F)orce / Surface (A)rea
This means that the pressure on a surface depends both on the force that is applied to the surface and the size of the surface. A larger force on a surface leads to larger pressure. A larger surface with the same force against it leads to a smaller pressure.
What does this definition of pressure imply for our Bike Tire model? What constitutes the "surface area"? Where does the force come from? How do we calculate the pressure in a fixed volume gas container like the one in our model?
We will use our simple Bike Tire model to find answers to these questions. Run the model once or twice without changing any parameters. Just observe the "pressure over time" plot for a while (≈30 ticks). Then answer the questions below.
Please do not spend more than 4 minutes with this task.
How does the "pressure over time" plot change when you run the model with 50 particles? Describe each distinct pattern you observe. (min 2 sentences)
If you did not change the parameters, you should have observed a plot similar to the one below. Find a word to describe the part that is marked with red? Also hypothesize: Why might we observe such a pattern? (min 3 sentences)
How do you think the value of "pressure" is calculated inside this bike tire? (min. 3 sentences)
Tip: Remember that pressure (P) is defined as F/A (force divided by the surface area). Try to think about these two questions: (1) "what is the surface area in this model?" and (2) "what applies force to the surface area in this model"?
Please set your computer aside briefly (do not close this page) and join the classroom discussion that your teacher is going to moderate.
Note: If your teacher did not initiate the discussion yet, please start answering the first question below as you are waiting.
If the discussion has not started yet, start answering this question: Can you think of any objects that take advantage of gas pressure similar to the bike tire? List as many as you can and explain why.
Before moving on, please reflect on the classroom discussion briefly: What creates pressure inside a gas container? Where does the force come from? Why do we observe the fluctuations (i.e. oscillations or relatively stable up-and-down changes) in the image below? (min. 3 sentences).
In the case of gas particles in a container (e.g., a real bike tire, the air duster can, and the Bike Tire model below) the pressure of the system is created by the particles hitting the walls of the container.
The pressure at a given instant is calculated as the total force applied by the particles hitting the walls at a given time and the surface area is the area of the walls.
That is also why we observe the fluctuations in the "pressure over time" plot: at a given tick, slightly different number of particles may hit the walls, and the total force applied by them might be slightly different.
Now let's explore what is the difference between the fluctuations in the plot, changes in pressure, and the stability of the system:
When you click the button, new particles are added, but the pressure does not change immediately. Explain why it takes time for the pressure to change. (min 2 sentences)
When we first add new particles (or pump air inside our imaginary bike tire), we see an initial spike in the pressure but then the system stabilizes at a lower pressure. One such spike is marked with red in the image below. The stable state is marked with green. Why does this happen? Explain the events. (min. 2 sentences)
In the beginning of this lesson, you experimented with a real (physical) bike tire and then you also experimented with a computational bike-tire model. A distinct feature of our model was that it simplified some aspects of the real world object. For example, the walls in our computational model did not expand or shrink.
Before ending this lesson, let's reflect on the differences between the two and why might we (and scientists) want to use such computational models.
List any simplifications that you can think of in the bike tire model compared to a real world bike-tire. (min 2. simplifications)
In the model, the bike tire does not change inflate (increase its volume) when air particles are pumped into it. Why do you think this simplification was made?
Why would we (and scientists) need to build models that are less detailed than the real world? Is it out of necessity? Do these simplifications offer any advantages? (min. 2 sentences)
Please set your computer aside briefly (do not close this page) and join the classroom discussion and the physical experiment that your teacher is going to moderate.
Before trying the experiment in real life, discuss this question with your group member(s) and summarize your discussion below? Come up with at least one hypothetical answer and explain why (min. 3 sentences).
After the experiment, reflect on your initial answers? Did you guess correctly? Were you wrong? (min. 2 sentences).
How does the balloon-bottle system compare to our explorations with the bike tire model? Please explain in terms of the underlying gas particle behavior (min. 2 sentences).