Lesson 9. Breadboards

Melissa Beemsterboer
30 minutes
High School Honors Physics


By this point, students should be pretty comfortable with the basics of creating a functioning circuit. But in order to program, they'll need to get comfortable with breadboards. In this lesson, students will learn the parts of a breadboard and create some basic circuits with a breadboard.


Next Generation Science Standards
  • Engineering, Technology, Applications of Science
  • Physical Science
  • NGSS Crosscutting Concept
    • Systems
    • Energy
  • NGSS Practice
    • Analyzing Data
    • Constructing Explanations, Designing Solutions
    • Using Models
    • Using Mathematics
    • Conducting Investigations
Computational Thinking in STEM
  • Data Practices
    • Analyzing Data
    • Collecting Data
    • Visualizing Data
  • Modeling and Simulation Practices
    • Assessing Computational Models
    • Constructing Computational Models
  • Computational Problem Solving Practices
    • Computer Programming
    • Troubleshooting and Debugging




  • 1. What's in a Breadboard?
  • 2. What's in a Breadboard? continued...
  • 3. + and - on breadboards.
  • 4. Creating your Circuit with your Breadboard
  • 5. Add Fun Components to your Circuit!

Student Directions and Resources

By now, you should be pretty comfortable with how to complete a circuit and get a light bulb to light, but in order to program a circuit board with arduino, you'll need to learn about breadboards. In this lesson, you'll learn all about how to make a circuit function with a breadboard.

1. What's in a Breadboard?

Take a look at your breadboard. Gently pull back a little tab of the sticky backing to observe what's underneath. (Do not take the backing off! Only peel a little bit.) Here's what's underneath:

You should see metal strips below the sticky backing. The pin holes on the front of the breadboard allow any wires you stick in the holes to touch the metal strips on the back.

Question 1.1

Look at any row on your breadboard (let's say, row 12). What would happen if you put the two legs of an LED bulb in pins next to each other in the same row (row 12)?

  The LED bulb would light, because the current is forced to go in one leg of the LED bulb and out the other.
  The LED bulb would light, because the metal strip allows current to skip the LED bulb and go quickly through the metal strip instead (short circuit).
  The LED bulb would not light, because the current is forced to go in one leg of the LED bulb and out the other.
  The LED bulb would not light, because the metal strip allows current to skip the LED bulb and go quickly through the metal strip instead (short circuit).

2. What's in a Breadboard? continued...

From the website Sparkfun: An LED inserted into a breadboard. Notice how each leg of the LED is placed on either side of the ravine. This prevents the connections to the LED from being shorted.

Question 2.1

How is it possible that putting the legs of an LED bulb in pins across the "ravine" from each other does not result in a short circuit (the LED bulb will light)?

  The metal strip is connected across the ravine, so the circuit can complete itself.
  The metal strip is connected across the ravine, so the current is forced to go in one side of the LED and out the other.
  The metal strip is not connected across the ravine, so the current is forced to go in one side of the LED and out the other.
  The metal strip is not connected across the ravine, so the circuit cannot complete itself.

Question 2.2

Would the LED bulb light if the prongs were put in different rows?

  Yes, as long as the edges of the prongs are not connected with a metal strip, the current will not short circuit and the bulb will light.
  No, putting the prongs in different rows breaks the circuit and does not allow current to flow.

3. + and - on breadboards.

Take a look at the sides of your breadboard. You should see two columns, one labeled "+" and one labeled "-".

These columns correspond to the + and - sides of the battery. Any pins in these columns will be effectively touching either the + or - side of the battery (depending on which column).

4. Creating your Circuit with your Breadboard

At this point, you should be able to combine what you already know about how to complete a circuit with your newly formed knowledge of breadboards to create a functioning circuit in a breadboard. Remember that it does matter which "side" of the LED connects to the positive side of the battery and which side connects to the negative side of the battery.

Note: It is VERY important that you always use a resistor when you put an LED in the circuit! Not doing so could result in the LED bulb burning out. Thus, your teacher should see both an LED and a resistor in your functioning circuit.

The breadboard is not a battery itself, so you will need to connect a pin (anywhere) in the "+" column of the breadboard with the + side of the battery (using a wire). You will also need to connect a pin (anywhere) in the "-" column of the breadboard with the - side of the battery (using a wire).

When you have gotten your light bulb to light, call over your teacher to show your circuit. Then, on your breadboard printout, draw a schematic of the working circuit you created to hand in to your teacher.

5. Add Fun Components to your Circuit!

Add another component to your circuit, such as a switch. When you are finished, draw this new successful circuit on a blank breadboard worksheet to hand into your teacher.