Draw the circuit you built here using symbols.
In this lesson, students will use a PHeT simulation to further investigate circuits. First, they will familiarize themselves with some of the more intricate and complicated parts of circuits, namely resistivity, short circuits, and switches. They will also be asked for the first time to think about circuits in terms of a simple programming language (using if/then statements). This is simply to "whet their whistle", so to speak. Later lessons will further delve into the programming side of circuitry, ending in an assessment that asks them to actually program an arduino-type device.
Unit designed by Melissa Beemsterboer a teacher at Lindblom.
In this lesson, you will build a digital circuit and investigate it more in depth. You will learn what "short circuit" and "resistivity" mean.
Draw the circuit you built here using symbols.
Why might a scientist want to use symbols when drawing their circuit instead of drawing the actual light bulb, battery, and wires?
Do you think it is important for all scientists to agree on the symbols used for different parts of the circuit?
Write a definition of resistivity based on what you discovered in your investigation.
What happens to a circuit (with low resistivity wires) when there is no resistor? Why?
What does a switch do?
Here is a basic formula for some code that a programmer might have written when designing this circuits simulation.
If (condition1) then (outcome one)
If (condition2) then (outcome two)
Fill in the parenthesis with your predictions of code for opening and closing a switch (and the appropriate outcomes).
Were you able to create a more complicated circuit that allows certain switches to turn off certain light bulbs while leaving others on? If so, draw it here.