Lesson 5. Mechanical Wave Simulation

Stephen Dickman, Jacob Kelter
Estimated time for students: one 45 minute period.
AP Physics 1


The simulation consists of a string of masses linked together by springs to simulate a medium through which energy can travel. The medium allows for transverse and longitudinal waves.


Computational Thinking in STEM 2.0
  • Computational Modeling and Simulation Practices
    • [CT-MODEL-1] Using computational models to understand a complex phenomenon
    • [CT-MODEL-2] Using computational models to hypothesize and test predictions
    • [CT-MODEL-3] Using a computational tool to understand a system's compenents and dynamics
Next Generation Science Standards
  • Physical Science
    • [HS-PS2-1] Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration.
    • [MS-PS4-2] Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials.


The unit was designed by Stephen Dickman, Jacob Kelter and Kelvin Lao for classes at Evanston Township High School.


  • 1. Mechanical Wave Model

Student Directions and Resources

Learning Objectives

  • The student will learn that waves are energy traveling through a medium.
  • The student will learn the difference between longitudinal and traverse waves.
  • The student will learn that work must be done on a medium for waves to be created.

1. Mechanical Wave Model

Play around with the simulation for a while. Create both kind of waves.

Question 1.1

Describe how you make a transverse wave.

Question 1.2

Describe how you make a longitudinal wave.

Question 1.3

What actually do you do to the medium to create a wave? Must use proper terms!

Question 1.4

Explain exactly how you performed "work" on the medium.

Question 1.5

Sketch both a longitudinal and transverse wave.

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below

Question 1.6

Coding Questions:

Increase the exponent of the spring displacement term. What happens? Why?

Decrease the exponent of the spring displacement term. What happens? Why?



Question 1.7

If you increased the mass of each turtle, what would happen to the speed of the wave?