Lesson 6. What is Pressure?

Carole Namowicz, Kathryn Lindeman, Umit Aslan
100 minutes
Sophomore Honors Chemistry


Examining how changes in volume and the number of particles affect pressure


Next Generation Science Standards
  • NGSS Practice
    • Using Models
    • Using Mathematics


  • 1. A Gas Simulation
  • 2. Defining Pressure
  • 3. How Does the Number of Gas Particles Affect Pressure?
  • 4. The Relationship Between Number of Particles and Pressure
  • 5. How Does Volume Affect Pressure?
  • 6. The Relationship Between Volume and Pressure

Student Directions and Resources

Within this unit, we have examined several gas variables in relation to gas particle behavior including temperature, volume, and pressure. In this lesson, we will examine a fourth variable, number of particles.

We will specifically study the effect of two different variables on pressure; we will investigate how changing the number of particles affects pressure, and how changing volume affects pressure.


1. A Gas Simulation

Feel free to play around with the simulation, but make sure to refresh your browser before working through the following steps in order to learn how to manipulate the simulation for this lesson. 

  1. Click "Ideal"
  2. Particles Menu
    • Click the green plus sign next to particles
    • To subtract or add 1 particle or 50, click the arrows to the left and right of the number of particles
  3. Reset button
    • Click the white button to the left of the pump to reset the simulation. 
  4. Particle Pump
    • After resetting the simulation, drag the handle of the pump up and down to add a more random number of particles. 
  5. Pause button
    • After adding some particles to the chamber, click the pause button on the lower left side of the screen to pause the simulation.
  6. Play simulation / one frame forward
    • After clicking pause, you'll notice that the pause button turns into a play button. Click the play button to restart the simulation.
    • Pressing pause also lights up the smaller button to the right of the pause button. This smaller button allows particles to shift one frame forward.

Question 1.1

Click "reset", add one heavy particle. Immediately watch the pressure gauge. What has to happen for the pressure gauge to change from 0.0 atm? 

Question 1.2

What is the highest pressure observed when one heavy particle is in the chamber? 

Question 1.3

Click "reset", add 50 heavy particles. What is the highest pressure observed?

Question 1.4

Use what you learned using the simulation above and your prior knowledge of gas behavior to write a definition for pressure.

2. Defining Pressure

Let's look at a GIF of the simulation we just used so we can understand what causes pressure on a microscopic level.

The pressure gauge remains at 0.0 atm until the moment a particle collides with the wall of the container. The pressure gauge then reads a pressure, but goes down again until another particle collides with the wall.


Question 2.1

Reexamine your definition of pressure from page 1. Rewrite your definition of pressure to include information from this page. 

3. How Does the Number of Gas Particles Affect Pressure?

Pressure can be defined as the frequency and force with which gas particles collide with the walls of their container.

Since we are examining pressure and number of particles in this simulation, we need to make sure that the other two variables (volume and temperature) are held constant. 

This is the set-up you will need to complete the data table below: 

  1. Click "Ideal".
  2. Under "Hold Constant", click "Volume (V)". The program does not allow you to hold two things constant at the same time, but as long as you do not manipulate the "hot-cold" switch the temperature will remain at 300 K.
  3. Click the green plus sign next to particles.
  4. Click the double rightward facing triangle below "Heavy" to add 50 heavy particles at once.
  5. Wait until all particles from the pump have had a chance to hit a wall of the container, then record the highest pressure observed.
  6. Press the reset button, then repeat steps #2-5 two more times.
  7. Complete steps #2-6 for 100 heavy particles and 150 heavy particles.

Question 3.1

To complete the following data table, you will first set up the simulation as described above. Then, run the simulation with 50, 100, and 150 heavy particles. For each particle amount, record the highest pressure observed. After you have collected data for all nine trials calculate average pressures for 50, 100, and 150 heavy particles.

Question 3.2

Is the relationship between number of particles and pressure direct or inverse? Justify your answer by citing evidence from your data table in question 3.1 above.

4. The Relationship Between Number of Particles and Pressure

If we graph the data we acquired on page 3 (your data is shown on this page for your reference), our graph would look something like this:

The graph pictured above shows a direct relationship between the two variables (number of gas particles and pressure), that is, as number of particles increases, pressure also increases.

Question 4.1

Use the definition of pressure (the frequency and force with which gas particles collide with the walls of their container) to explain why increasing the number of gas particles increases pressure when both temperature and volume are held constant.

5. How Does Volume Affect Pressure?

Now we will examine how volume affects pressure. Again, we need to make sure that the other two variables (number of particles and temperature) are held constant. 

This is the set-up you will need to complete the data table below: 

  1. Click "Ideal".
  2. Click the green plus sign next to particles.
  3. Click the double rightward facing triangle below "Heavy" to add 50 heavy particles at once.
  4. Under "Hold Constant", click "Temperature (T)".
  5. In order to adjust the container's volume, click "Width" and you will see a ruler appear under the container. Reduce the width to 5.0 nm, then record the highest pressure observed.
  6. Press the reset button, then repeat steps #2-5 two more times.
  7. Complete steps #2-6 for widths (volumes) of 10.0 nm and 15.0 nm.

Question 5.1

To complete the following data table, you will first set up the simulation as described above. Run the simulation with 50 heavy particles at each width listed in the table. For each container width (volume), record what the highest pressure observed. After you have collected data for all nine trials, calculate average pressures for 5.0 nm, 10.0 nm, and 15.0 nm widths (volumes).

Question 5.2

Is the relationship between volume and pressure direct or inverse? Justify your answer by citing evidence from your data table in question 4.1 above.

6. The Relationship Between Volume and Pressure

If we graph the data we acquired on page 5 (your data is shown on this page for your reference), our graph would look something like this:

The graph pictured above shows an inverse relationship between the two variables (volume and pressure), that is, as volume increases, pressure decreases.

Question 6.1

Use the definition of pressure (the frequency and force with which gas particles collide with the walls of their container) to explain why decreasing volume increases pressure when both temperature and the number of gas particles are held constant.