Stoichiometry - Creating a Fizzy Drink Part 1

Carole Namowicz
8 lessons = ~9 days (days are based on 50 min period length)
High School Honors Chemistry

Unit Overview

This unit is not arranged as a traditional stoichiometry unit. Rather than beginning by stating the law of conservation of mass to students, it begins with an inquiry lab for students to discover that law. All quantities in this lab will be measured in grams. This will lead to a discussion of grams versus moles -- when each unit is appropriate and why. After students have developed this basic understanding, they will be presented with an in-class lab demonstration and subsequent simulation involving limiting reactants. Limiting reactants will be used to help students understand the most efficient ratios needed in a chemical equation that will produce maximum product. Students use this same logic and apply it in order to balance chemical equations.

Gapless Explanation of Anchoring Phenomenon (combination of Stoichiometry Part 1 & Part 2)

Can carbonation be introduced into a beverage without a gadget such as a sodastream? (A sodastream carbonates beverages by bubbling carbon dioxide directly into a beverage.) To carbonate a beverage in the classroom, two solid chemicals are mixed together to create the gaseous carbon dioxide, but this example reaction is not the only one that will produce carbon dioxide.

The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Mass simply rearranges itself to form products. Thus, whatever mass we introduce as a reactant or reactants of a chemical reaction we will see that form the product or products. Quantities of solid chemicals in the laboratory are measured in grams. However, 1 gram of different chemicals or compounds does not contain the same number of atoms/particle units. The counting unit the mole is necessary to relate chemical compounds in an overall equation to each other and make sure amounts are comparable. One mole of a chemical or compound always contains the same number of atoms/particle units. Moles are also used to determine concentrations of aqueous solutions. Concentration is expressed as molarity (M) which is the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.

Reactant amounts in a chemical reaction should produce the maximum amount of desired product possible without leaving any excess reactants. Different reactants and products can only be compared if those amounts are in moles. The correct molar ratio for a chemical reaction is the ratio that will produce the maximum amount of product without any reactant going to waste. If an excess reactant remains after a chemical reaction occurs, then that ratio is not the correct one. Molar relationships lead to the idea of balancing equations. A balanced equation represents the correct molar ratio for an overall chemical reaction equation. When an equation is balanced, the same number of atoms (for a specific element) should be represented on the reactants and products side of the equation. A balanced equation represents atoms, but as the ratio of moles to atoms is the same for all elements, a balanced equation also represents moles.

If reactant quantities for a balanced chemical reaction are known, the theoretical yield of each product can be determined using dimensional analysis to complete stoichiometry calculations. In addition to determining theoretical yields, a limiting reactant and any amount of excess reactant can also be identified. This process can be applied and utilized to determine specific amounts of citric acid and baking soda that should be combined in a solution of Kool-Aid and sugar to carbonate the beverage and create soda pop. If incorrect amounts of either reactant are used, there will be excess reactant remaining which will affect the taste of the beverage.



Next Generation Science Standards
  • Physical Science
  • NGSS Practice
    • Using Mathematics
  • NGSS Crosscutting Concept
    • Energy
Computational Thinking in STEM
  • Data Practices
    • Analyzing Data
  • Modeling and Simulation Practices
    • Assessing Computational Models
    • Using Computational Models to Understand a Concept
  • Systems Thinking Practices
    • Defining Systems and Managing Complexity
    • Thinking in Levels
    • Understanding the Relationships within a System


Unit designed by Carole Namowicz a teacher at Lindblom.

Underlying Lessons

  • Lesson 1. Lesson 1: Phenomenon Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Lesson 2: What Happens to Mass During a Chemical Reaction?
  • Lesson 3. Lesson 3: What is a Mole?
  • Lesson 4. Lesson 4: Grams vs. Moles
  • Lesson 5. Lesson 5: What is Molarity?
  • Lesson 6. Lesson 6: Limiting Reagents Dictate Molar Relationships
  • Lesson 7. Lesson 7: Introduction to Balancing Chemical Equations
  • Lesson 8. Lesson 8: Balancing Equations Continued

Lesson 1. Lesson 1: Phenomenon Introduction

Carole Namowicz
50 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 1 Overview

Students are introduced to the phenomenon. First they will view a SodaStream advertisement, then they will be asked to brainstorm what a makes a fizzy drink fizzy. The phenomenon introduction closes with a teacher demonstration where a carbonated beverage is produced before their eyes without the aid of a SodaStream.

Lesson 1 Activities

  • 1.1. What makes a fizzy drink fizzy?
  • 1.2. SodaStream Operation
  • 1.3. Demonstration
  • 1.4. Class Discussion
  • 1.5. Thinking About Data

1.0. Student Directions and Resources

What makes a fizzy drink fizzy? Do we have to have an expensive gadget to do it, or can we make a drink fizzy without one?

1.1. What makes a fizzy drink fizzy?

Watch the video below and answer the question that follows.


Question 1.1.1

1. What is the SodaStream adding to water to make it fizzy? Make your answer as detailed as possible.

1.2. SodaStream Operation

Question 1.2.1

1. Now that you have seen how the SodaStream operates, do you still agree with your explanation of what the SodaStream is adding to the water to make it fizzy? Answer yes or no and explain your answer.

Question 1.2.2

2. What is inside of the "carbonator" that helps to create a fizzy drink?

1.3. Demonstration

Watch your instructor perform a demonstration and answer the questions below.

Question 1.3.1

1. You observed your instructor create a fizzy drink without the aid of a SodaStream. How is this possible? Describe what you believe occurred when the two solids were added to the water to the best of your ability.

Question 1.3.2

2. Compare and contrast the fizzy drink created by the SodaStream in the videos to the fizzy drink created by your instructor. Be sure to describe both similarities and differences between the two types of fizzy drinks.

1.4. Class Discussion

Your class will discuss your answers to how both the SodaStream and your instructor were able to add bubbles to a beverage.

Question 1.4.1

1. What is carbonation?

Question 1.4.2

2. What evidence do you have that a chemical reaction occurred when your instructor mixed two solutions together to carbonate a beverage?

Question 1.4.3

3. What is a chemical reaction?

1.5. Thinking About Data

Imagine you have a two identical bottles of water, both are 1 liter bottles. You plan to use the SodaStream to carbonate one of the bottles, and the method your instructor showed your class to carbonate the other. What type of data might you acquire before and after carbonation in order to compare methods?

Question 1.5.1

Describe the data you will acquire BEFORE carbonating both bottles of water. Be thorough with your descriptions and also include the type of equipment you will need to conduct your measurements.

Question 1.5.2

Now describe the data to acquire AFTER carbonating both bottles of water. Again, be thorough with your descriptions and include the type of equipment you will need to conduct your measurements (even if it is the same as in your before carbonation answer).

Question 1.5.3

A student collected data before carbonating water, the data is shown below. Predict what after data might look like for the SodaStream method of carbonation.

Volume (mL) 1000 mL
Mass of water + bottle (g) 1019.4 g
Mass of bottle (g) 21.4 g
Mass of water (calculated) 998 g
Density (g/mL) 0.998 g/mL


Question 1.5.4

Now use that same before carbonation data to predict what after data might look like for the method of carbonation your instructor demonstrated.

Volume (mL) 1000 mL
         Mass of water + bottle (g)          1019.4 g
Mass of bottle (g) 21.4 g
Mass of water (calculated) 998 g
Density (g/mL)           0.998 g/mL          

Lesson 2. Lesson 2: What Happens to Mass During a Chemical Reaction?

Carole Namowicz
100 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 2 Overview

Students will perform two different experiments where they are asked to record the overall mass of the reactants and products before and after the reactions takes place. Both experiments will be "closed system" experiments where any gases produced will be trapped by either parafilm or a balloon. Students should observe that overall mass should remain the same before and after each experiment leading them to the law of conservation of mass. This proves that a carbonated beverage can be produced via a chemical reaction.

Lesson 2 Activities

  • 2.1. Experiment 1
  • 2.2. Experiment 2
  • 2.3. Reflecting on the Experiments
  • 2.4. Reviewing the Data
  • 2.5. Analyzing Results
  • 2.6. The Law of Conservation of Matter (Mass)
  • 2.7. Evaluating the Law of Conservation of Matter
  • 2.8. Where did the bubbles come from?

2.0. Student Directions and Resources

You will perform two different experiments in order to determine what happens to matter (mass, because all matter has mass) during a chemical reaction.

2.1. Experiment 1

Mg (s) + HCl (aq)  ----->  MgCl2 (aq)   +   H(g) 
bracket   bracket
Reactants   Products


  1. Place a weighing boat on your balance and zero it out.
  2. Measure out 0.2 g of magnesium in the weighing boat.
  3. Record the mass of a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
  4. Measure out 15 mL of 0.5 M HCl in a 25 mL graduated cylinder.
  5. Pour the 15 mL of 0.5 M HCl into the flask and record its mass.
  6. Subtract the mass of the flask itself to determine the mass of the HCl only.
  7. Add the mass of the Mg and the HCl, record this total mass below. (This is the total mass of your reactants.)
  8. Separate a small square of parafilm from its backing paper and record its mass.
  9. Pour the Mg from the weighing boat into the flask full of HCl (still on the balance), then immediately cover the flask with parafilm so no gas is allowed to escape.
  10. Place the flask (still covered with parafilm) back onto the balance.
  11. Subtract the mass of the flask + the parafilm from the mass on your balance, then record that mass. (This is the total mass of your products.)
  12. Record any observations of what occurred during the chemical reaction below. Observations include describing what happened during the reaction and noting differences between the reactants and products.
  13. Dump the contents of the flask down the appropriate drain, rinse it out, and place it on the drying rack.

Question 2.1.1

Record your data from Experiment 1: Mg (s) + HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H(g)

Question 2.1.2

Record your observations from Experiment 1: Mg (s) + HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H(g)

2.2. Experiment 2

NaHCO(s)  +  CH3COOH (aq)  ----->  NaC2H3O2  (aq)  +   H2O (l)  CO(g)
bracket    bracket
Reactants   Products
  1. Record the mass of a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask and record the mass of your balloon.
  2. Measure 20 mL of 1.0 M acetic acid (CH3COOH) in a 25 mL graduated cylinder. Pour this into the empty 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
  3. Place a weighing boat on your balance and zero it out.
  4. Measure out 0.6 g of baking soda (NaHCO3) in the weighing boat, then pour it carefully into your balloon.
  5. Place the baking soda balloon and the acetic acid flask on the balance. Subtract the mass of the flask and the balloon from the mass on your balance and record that mass. (This is the total mass of your reactants.)
  6. Carefully attach the balloon to the flask making sure not to empty any of the baking soda into the flask in the process!
  7. Once the balloon is secure on the flask, shake the baking soda into the flask so it reacts with the acetic acid. Wait until all of the material seems done reacting.
  8. Record any observations of what occurred during the chemical reaction below. Observations include describing what happened during the reaction and noting differences between the reactants and products.
  9. Record the total mass after the reaction by again subtracting the mass of the flask and the balloon from the mass on your balance. (This is the total mass of your products.)
  10. Dump the contents of the flask down the appropriate drain, rinse it out, and place it on the drying rack. Return the balloon to your instructor.

Question 2.2.1

Record your data from Experiment 2: NaHCO3 (s) + CH3COOH (aq) → NaC2H3O2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO(g)

Question 2.2.2

Record your observations from Experiment 2: NaHCO3 (s) + CH3COOH (aq) → NaC2H3O2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO(g)

2.3. Reflecting on the Experiments

The overall reaction for experiment 1 was expressed as: Mg (s) + HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H(g)

The overall reaction for experiment 2 was expressed as: NaHCO3 (s) + CH3COOH (aq) → NaC2H3O2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO(g)

Look carefully at how both of these chemical reactions are written and then think back to the actual experiments you completed in order to answer the questions below.


Question 2.3.1

Each chemical formula was followed by an abbreviation of one or two letters in parentheses. Identify each of the following abbreviations to the best of your ability

Question 2.3.2

Explain why adding these abbreviations to a chemical reaction can help your understanding of what is occurring when you perform the experiment.

2.4. Reviewing the Data

Grab a large whiteboard and make a table of your results from both experiments. Set up your table as shown below.

  Mass of Reactants Mass of Products
Experiment 1    
Experiment 2    


Question 2.4.1

Compare the mass of the reactants and products for experiment 1. What observation(s) do you make when comparing these two masses?

Question 2.4.2

Now compare the mass of the reactants and products for experiment 2. What observation(s) do you make when comparing these two masses?

2.5. Analyzing Results

What happens to mass during a chemical reaction? Review your class data from the two experiments and explain what happens to the overall mass of the reactants and products.

Question 2.5.1

1. What claim can you make about the change in mass from your total reactants to your total products?

Question 2.5.2

2. What evidence from your experiments do you have that matter (mass) is conserved in a chemical reaction? Be sure to explain what it means to be "conserved" in your answer.

2.6. The Law of Conservation of Matter (Mass)

The law of conservation of mass states that matter (mass) cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore the total mass of the reactants in a chemical reaction must be equal to the total mass of the products. How then is it possible to"lose" weight?

Question 2.6.1

1. If someone loses weight, is that a violation of the law of conservation of mass? Explain why or why not.

Question 2.6.2

2. Where do you think the matter (mass) goes when a person loses weight?

2.7. Evaluating the Law of Conservation of Matter

Watch the video below and answer the question that follows.


Question 2.7.1

1. Now that you have watched the video, do you agree with your original explanation of where the matter (mass) goes when a person loses weight? Explain why or why not.

Question 2.7.2

2. According to the video, does carbon dioxide gas have mass? 

2.8. Where did the bubbles come from?

In the last lesson, you watched while your instructor carbonated a beverage in front of you without a SodaStream.

Question 2.8.1

1. If the total mass of the reactants (citric acid + sodium bicarbonate) in the weighing boats before the reaction took place was approximately 2.5 grams, estimate the mass of the total products in the beaker of water after the reaction took place.

Question 2.8.2

2. Did your instructor cover the top of the products (the carbonated beverage) with a balloon or parafilm after mixing the reactants together? Think about how this may affect your answer to the previous question.

Lesson 3. Lesson 3: What is a Mole?

Carole Namowicz
25 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 3 Overview

The mole concept is introduced here as a reading so relative amounts in chemical reactions can be discussed for the remainder of the unit.

Lesson 3 Activities

  • 3.1. What is a Mole?
  • 3.2. The Mole
  • 3.3. The mole and molar mass
  • 3.4. Finding Molar Mass
  • 3.5. Calculating Molar Mass

3.0. Student Directions and Resources


You will need the following resources to complete this assignment.

3.1. What is a Mole?

When biologists talk about moles, they’re usually referring to the tiny, grey rodents that dig underground to find tasty earthworms. When chemists talk about moles they’re usually referring to something entirely different. The term ‘mole’ represents a number in chemistry the same way the word ‘dozen’ represents 12 of something to a baker. In this case, one mole represents 6.02 x 1023, a humongous number!

3.2. The Mole

To help you and any bakers or hungry biologists reading this get a sense of just how many things are in one mole, we can use an analogy with something that is often found in dozens (Figure 1). One yeast-raised doughnut weighs approximately 40 grams. One dozen yeast-raised doughnuts weigh about 500 grams. One mole of yeast-raised doughnuts weighs about 301,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grams—more than four times the mass of the moon. Imagine the whole moon made of doughnuts, yummy...







Figure 1: A dozen yeast-raised donuts

Obviously, the mole is not a term we need for most things in daily life. Instead of being used for things we encounter in daily life, the mole is used by scientists when talking about enormous numbers of particles like atoms or molecules. Atoms and molecules are very tiny things. A drop of water the size of the period at the end of this sentence would contain 10 trillion water molecules. Instead of talking about trillions and quadrillions of molecules (and more), it's much simpler to use the mole. However, the mole does more than represent a big number: it provides a key link for converting between the number (amount) of a substance, and its mass.

3.3. The mole and molar mass

The International Committee for Weights and Measures defines one mole as the number of atoms in exactly 12 grams of carbon-12 (Figure 2). Experiments counting the number of carbon-12 atoms in a 12-gram sample have determined that this number is 6.02214076 x 1023. Regardless of whether the substance is carbon-12 or doughnuts, one mole represents the same number of each of these things.

Figure 2: Carbon-12

Scientists have then defined the molar mass of a substance as the mass of 6.02214076 x 1023 units of that substance. So, the molar mass of yeast-raised doughnuts is 301,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grams. With doughnuts, this is not very useful. However, it is quite useful if we apply it to other substances, especially elements. By standardizing the number of atoms in a sample of an element, we also get a standardized mass for that element that can be used to compare different elements and compounds to one another. Carbon's molar mass is 12.01 grams, which represents the combined mass of 6.02 x 1023 carbon atoms. However, other elements have different molar masses; for example, 6.02 x 1023 sulfur atoms have a mass together of 32.06 grams, which is sulfur's molar mass.

Along with telling us the mass of one mole of an element, molar mass also acts as a conversion factor between the mass of a sample and the number moles in that sample. For example, 24 grams of carbon atoms would be equal to two moles since 24 grams divided by the mass of one mole (12.01) equals 2. Further, Avogadro’s number acts as the conversion factor for converting between the number of moles in a sample and the actual number of atoms or molecules in that sample. Extending our example, two moles of carbon atoms contains 2 times 6.02 x 1023 atoms, which equals 12.04 x 1023 atoms, which can be written as 1.204 x 1024 atoms.

3.4. Finding Molar Mass

Look on a periodic table in order to answer the following questions.

Question 3.4.1

1. If the molar mass of carbon is 12.01 grams, what is the molar mass of neon?

  10 grams
  20 grams
  20.18 grams
  40 grams

Question 3.4.2

2. What is the molar mass of copper?

  63 grams
  63.55 grams
  29 grams
  58 grams

Question 3.4.3

3. What is the molar mass of calcium?

  40.08 grams
  20 grams
  40 grams
  41 grams

3.5. Calculating Molar Mass

Your instructor will provide you with a handout so you can practice calculating molar mass.

Lesson 4. Lesson 4: Grams vs. Moles

Carole Namowicz
50 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 4 Overview

In this lesson students will review all quantitative measurement units used in chemistry they have learned thus far in order to compare and contrast microscopic units and macroscopic units. They should come to the conclusion that both moles and grams are macroscopic units while atoms and molecules are microscopic units. They will end by converting between macroscopic units of grams and moles.

Lesson 4 Activities

  • 4.1. Measuring a Mole
  • 4.2. So How Much is a Mole?
  • 4.3. So How Much is a Mole?
  • 4.4. So How Much is a Mole?
  • 4.5. So How Much is a Mole?
  • 4.6. Chemistry Units of Measure
  • 4.7. Chemical Equations at the Microscopic and Macroscopic Scale
  • 4.8. Converting Between Grams and Moles

4.0. Student Directions and Resources

When are grams an appropriate measurement, when are moles necessary, and how can we convert between the two units?

You will need the following resources to complete this assignment.

4.1. Measuring a Mole

In the following activity, you will measure out a mole, in grams, of several elements in order to see how much a mole really is. Make sure your group has a periodic table, you're going to need it.






4.2. So How Much is a Mole?

Create a 1 mole sample of aluminum using aluminum pop cans. It should be close to a mole, but it does not need to be exact.

Question 4.2.1

1. How many cans were required to make a mole of aluminum?

Question 4.2.2

2. Now weigh a single pop can and record its mass.

Question 4.2.3

3. Calculate how many moles are in a single pop can.

4.3. So How Much is a Mole?

Create a 1 mole sample of iron using paperclips. It should be close to a mole, but it need not be exact.

Question 4.3.1

1. Estimate the total number of paperclips used (don't waste time counting them out one by one).

Question 4.3.2

2. Now weigh 5 paperclips and record their mass.

Question 4.3.3

3. Calculate how many moles are in 5 paperclips.

4.4. So How Much is a Mole?

Create a 1 mole sample of water. It should be close to a mole, but it not be exact. Measure out the amount of water needed in the graduated cylinder. Place the small 50 mL beaker on the scale and zero it. Then pour the water in the small beaker and record the mass of the water. (Hint: the density of water is 1 g/mL. Density is mass/volume. Get the molar mass and solve for the proper volume).





Question 4.4.1

1. Record the mass of one mole of water.

4.5. So How Much is a Mole?

Create a 1 mole sample of salt (salt is sodium chloride = NaCl). Do not place salt directly on the scale, measure it inside of a weighing boat provided. It should be as close to a mole as possible, but it need not be exact.





Question 4.5.1

1. Approximately how many scoops of salt were needed to make a mole of salt?

Question 4.5.2

2. Now weigh one teaspoon of salt and record its mass.

Question 4.5.3

3. Calculate how many moles of salt are in one teaspoon of salt.

4.6. Chemistry Units of Measure

In the conservation of mass labs we performed in class, all measurements were taken in grams.

Question 4.6.1

Brainstorm other units chemists use to measure quantities in. Write as many as you can think of below.

Question 4.6.2

Enter all of your units in the table below and categorize each of the units as macroscopic or microscopic.

Question 4.6.3

Which of those units do you think chemists use in the lab (you may include more than one unit in your answer)? Explain why.

4.7. Chemical Equations at the Microscopic and Macroscopic Scale

Chemical equations can be used to represent what happens on either the microscopic or macroscopic scale.

C (s) + O(g) -----> CO2 (g)

This equation can be read in either of the following ways.

  1. If, or when, solid carbon reacts with gaseous oxygen, one atom of carbon and one molecule of oxygen are consumed for every one molecule of gaseous carbon dioxide produced.
  2. If, or when, solid carbon reacts with gaseous oxygen, one mole of carbon and one mole of oxygen are consumed for every one mole of gaseous carbon dioxide produced.



Question 4.7.1

1. Which reading of the chemical equation C (s) + O(g) → CO2 (g) represents the macroscopic representation? Cite evidence from the sentence reading that led you to that conclusion.

Question 4.7.2

2. Which reading of the chemical equation C (s) + O​(g) → CO2 (g) represents the microscopic representation? Cite evidence from the sentence reading that led you to that conclusion.

Question 4.7.3

3. When chemists perform chemical equations, are they making products in microscopic or macroscopic quantities? Why?

4.8. Converting Between Grams and Moles

Your instructor will provide you with a handout so you can practice converting between grams and moles.

Lesson 5. Lesson 5: What is Molarity?

Carole Namowicz
25 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 5 Overview

Molarity is introduced here in a reading as many chemicals students use are actually aqueous solutions in varying molar concentrations.

Lesson 5 Activities

  • 5.1. How many moles are in a reactant if the substance is dissolved in water?
  • 5.2. Molarity
  • 5.3. Molarity Calculations

5.0. Student Directions and Resources

How do we know how many moles of something we have if the substance is dissolved in water? You have used many solutions in chemistry this year. The concentration of those solutions is always indicated with an "M". The "M" stands for something called molarity.

In Lesson 2: What Happens to Mass During a Chemical Reaction, you used both hydrochloric acid and acetic acid. Both of these chemical compounds were followed by (aq), meaning in an "aqueous" solution. This means that the hydrochloric acid and the acetic acid were in a solution of water.

You will need the following resources to complete this assignment.

5.1. How many moles are in a reactant if the substance is dissolved in water?

Chemical reactions are typically described as so many moles of compound A reacting with so many moles of compound B to form so many moles of compound C. When we determine how much of a reactant to use, we need to know the number of moles in a given volume of the reactant. Percent solutions only tell us the number of grams, not moles. A 100 mL solution of 2% NaCl will have a very different number of moles than a 2% solution of CsCl. So we need another way to talk about numbers of moles.

5.2. Molarity

Chemists need the concentration of solutions to be expressed in a way that accounts for the number of particles that react according to a balanced chemical equation. Since percentage measurements are based on either mass or volume, they are generally not useful for chemical reactions. A concentration unit based on moles is preferred. The molarity (M) of a solution is the number of moles of solute dissolved in one liter of solution. To calculate the molarity of a solution, you divide the moles of solute by the volume of the solution expressed in liters.

Note that the volume is in liters of solution and not liters of solvent. When a molarity is reported, the unit is the symbol M and is read as “molar”. For example a solution labeled as 1.5 M NH3 is read as “1.5 molar ammonia solution”.

Question 5.2.1

Find the molarity of 2.0 moles of hydrochloric acid in 1.0 liter of solution.

Question 5.2.2

Find the molarity of 6.0 moles of hydrochloric acid in 500 mL of solution.

Question 5.2.3

Stomach acid is a 0.10 M HCl solution. How many moles of HCl are in 1500 mL of stomach acid solution?

Question 5.2.4

If 4.0 g NaOH are used to make 500 mL of NaOH solution, what is the molarity (M) of the solution?

5.3. Molarity Calculations

Your instructor will provide you with a handout so you can practice a variety of molarity calculations.

Lesson 6. Lesson 6: Limiting Reagents Dictate Molar Relationships

Carole Namowicz
100 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 6 Overview

In this lesson, students will observe a double displacement reaction where varying amounts of each reactant are used. They will be asked to focus on the amount of one product in the reaction and how the amount of that product changes relative to the amounts of each reactant used. The goal of the lesson is for students to understand the molar relationships in a reaction and why adding coefficients to a reaction is sometimes necessary.

Lesson 6 Activities

  • 6.1. Amounts in Chemical Reactions
  • 6.2. Exploring the Simulation
  • 6.3. Varying the Amounts
  • 6.4. Varying the Amounts Further

6.0. Student Directions and Resources

In this lesson, you will be asked to focus on the amount of one product in a reaction and how the amount of that product changes relative to the amounts of each reactant used. The goal of the lesson is to understand the best possible combination of reactants to use in a reaction so none of the reactants go to waste.

6.1. Amounts in Chemical Reactions

Observe as your instructor demonstrates the reaction of magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas (magnesium chloride is also produced in solution). Your instructor will use varying amounts of magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid in each flask. These amounts have been measured in moles and are represented in the table below.

Question 6.1.1

Record your observations about the relative amounts of hydrogen gas produced in each reaction in the table below.

Question 6.1.2

Did any of the reaction combinations appear to produce roughly the same quantity of hydrogen gas? If so detail which combinations of magnesium metal and hydrochloric gas below.

Question 6.1.3

Did any of the reaction combinations leave unreacted excess magnesium? If so detail which combinations of magnesium metal and hydrochloric gas below.

6.2. Exploring the Simulation

Experiment with the simulation by varying amounts of the two reactants. Be sure to hit "setup" after adjusting amounts or the change will not be reflected in the simulation. After you feel you have learned all the features of the simulation move on to answer the questions below:

Question 6.2.1

What is represented by the grey circles in the simulation? Explain how you know this.

Question 6.2.2

The box "hide-molecules" was checked when you opened the simulation. Describe what happens when you uncheck this box.

Question 6.2.3

What is represented by the green circles? Explain how you know this.

Question 6.2.4

Is the simulation more like the real world reaction with the "hide-molecules" box checked or unchecked? Explain why.

Question 6.2.5

What is the purpose of including features in a simulation that do not mimic the real world?

6.3. Varying the Amounts

The simulation below models the same reaction your instructor demonstrated, but now you have control over the amounts of both reactants being used.



  1. Adjust the slider bars to vary the amounts of each reactant (Mg and HCl) as instructed in the table below.
  2. Then press "setup". The values you've selected for each reactant will now appear in the box at right. Moles of magnesium are represented by the grey circles and moles of hydrochloric acid (HCl) are represented by the green circles in the blue rectangle.
  3. Now press "go" and observe how much H2 gas is produced with each combination of reactants. All amounts are again measured in moles.




Question 6.3.1

Record the amount of hydrogen gas produced in each reaction in the table below.

Question 6.3.2

Did any of the reaction combinations produce the same quantity of hydrogen gas (within 0.2 moles)? If so detail which combinations of magnesium metal and hydrochloric gas below.

Question 6.3.3

Did any of the reaction combinations leave unreacted excess magnesium? Unreacted excess magnesium is grey circles leftover on the bottom of the container when all green circles of hydrochloric acid have disappeared because they reacted. If so detail which combinations of magnesium metal and hydrochloric gas below.

6.4. Varying the Amounts Further

Now you will use the same simulation, but this time you have control over the amounts of each reactant you will use.


  1. Adjust the slider bars to vary the amounts of each reactant (Mg and HCl) and record those amounts in the table below.
  2. Then press "setup". Again, the values you've selected for each reactant will now appear in the box at right. Moles of magnesium are represented by the grey circles and moles of hydrochloric acid (HCl) are represented by the green circles in the blue rectangle.
  3. Now press "go" and observe how much H2 gas is produced with each combination of reactants. All amounts are again measured in moles.


Question 6.4.1

Record the amounts of each reactant used and the amount of hydrogen gas produced in each reaction in the table below. You must try a minimum of three new combinations of reactant amounts, but you may try as many as five.

Question 6.4.2

Did any of the reaction combinations produce the same quantity of hydrogen gas (within 0.2 moles)? If so detail which combinations of magnesium metal and hydrochloric gas below.

Question 6.4.3

Did any of the reaction combinations leave unreacted excess magnesium? If so detail which combinations of magnesium metal and hydrochloric gas below.

Lesson 7. Lesson 7: Introduction to Balancing Chemical Equations

Carole Namowicz
100 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 7 Overview

This lesson is a continuation of Lesson 6: Limiting Reactants Dictate Molar Relationships. It connects the ideal ratio that left no excess reactants to coefficients used to balance and equations. Students need to realize that balanced equations don’t "waste" anything. Students will learn the term coefficient and how to use an atom inventory to determine if a chemical equation is balanced or not. Then they will use the balancing simulation. They will complete the introduction first before moving on to the game portion.

Lesson 7 Activities

  • 7.1. Review
  • 7.2. Balancing
  • 7.3. Why Balance?
  • 7.4. Introduction
  • 7.5. The Simulation
  • 7.6. The Game

7.0. Student Directions and Resources

This simulation will help you to visualize the process of balancing equations. You will begin with the Introduction where you will go through the process of balancing three different equations. After you finish the Introduction, you will proceed to the Game which is broken down into three levels. Each level has five equations to balance.

7.1. Review

In the previous lesson, you observed a chemical reaction with magnesium (Mg) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) that produced magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and hydrogen gas (H2). This chemical reaction is represented as a chemical equation below.

Mg + HCl  ----->   MgCl2    +   H2 
bracket   bracket
Reactants   Products
If the correct proportions of magnesium and hydrochloric acid were utilized in the chemical reaction, all of the starting magnesium was used, and that with the hydrochloric acid yielded the maximum amount of hydrogen gas possible. If the wrong ratio of magnesium to hydrochloric acid was used, then some magnesium remained after the reaction was complete and the maximum amount of hydrogen gas was NOT produced. The chemical equation as represented above is a 1:1 ratio of Mg to HCl which did NOT use all of the magnesium and produce the maximum amount of hydrogen gas.

Question 7.1.1

1. What was the correct ratio of Mg to HCl that used all of the magnesium and produced the maximum amount of hydrogen gas possible?

  A) A 2:1 ratio of magnesium to hydrochloric acid
  B) A 1:2 ratio of magnesium to hydrochloric acid
  C) A 2:2 ratio of magnesium to hydrochloric acid
  D) A 1:3 ratio of magnesium to hydrochloric acid

7.2. Balancing

In order to use all of the starting magnesium and produce the maximum amount of hydrogen gas possible, a 1:2 ratio of magnesium to hydrochloric acid is needed. This is represented in the chemical equation below by adding a coefficient in front of the HCl.




 2 HCl







Coefficients tell you how many moles of each chemical are needed for the reaction to take place most efficiently. If there is no coefficient present, then it is assumed to be 1. For the reaction above, you will need 1 mole of Mg with 2 moles of HCl to yield 1 mole of MgCl2 and 1 mole of H2.

7.3. Why Balance?

In Lesson 2, "What Happens to Mass in a Chemical Reaction?" you learned about the law of conservation of mass. Recall that the law of conservation of mass states that matter (mass) cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore the total mass of the reactants in a chemical reaction must be equal to the total mass of the products. Chemical reactions represent different quantities or amounts of reactants and products using coefficients. Adding the coefficients insures equal masses on both sides of the equation; this process is known as balancing an equation.

The chemical reaction shown below is unbalanced, that is, it does not follow the law of conservation of mass.

 Mg   +    HCl    ----->   MgCl2    +   H2 


We can determine the reaction is unbalanced by performing an atom inventory. An atom inventory is counting different types of atoms on both sides of the equation to see if they are equal. An atom inventory for the equation is shown below.

Mg + HCl  ----->   MgCl2    +   H2 
                   1    Mg    1  
  1    H    2  
  1    Cl    2  


In order to balance the equation, we added a coefficient of 2 in front of the hydrochloric acid (HCl). The updated atom inventory is shown below.

Mg + 2 HCl  ----->   MgCl2    +   H2 
                   1    Mg    1  
  2     1    H    2  
  2     1    Cl    2  
Notice now all elements have equal numbers of atoms on both the reactants and products side of the equation. This equation is now considered to be balanced.

7.4. Introduction

On the next screen, you will use a simulation in order to balance several chemical reactions. All reactions will be presented with no coefficients (understood to be a coefficient of 1). You will be able to adjust coefficient numbers up and down as you observe scales that represent the atom inventory for all atoms present in the reaction. The reaction is balanced when all the scales are balanced.

7.5. The Simulation

  1. Select Introduction
  2. Refresh the page if you need to start over for any reason.
  3. Notice the "Tools" menu in the upper right. Experiment with the balance and the bar graph to determine if either tools option helps you to visualize the balancing process.
  4. The three reactions you will balance are at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Use the arrows next to the compounds to change the coefficients.
  6. You must keep working until you get the smiley face above the equals sign to appear.


Question 7.5.1

1. Balance the formula for "Make Ammonia". What are the correct coefficients to balance the chemical equation?

____ N2 + ____ H2 → ____ NH3

  A) 2, 3, 2
  B) 1, 2, 3
  C) 3, 2, 1
  D) 1, 3, 2

Question 7.5.2

2. Balance the formula for "Separate Water". What are the correct coefficients to balance the chemical equation?

____ H2O → ____ H2 + ____ O2

  A) 1, 2, 1
  B) 1, 2, 2
  C) 1, 1, 2
  D) 2, 2, 1

Question 7.5.3

3. Balance the formula for "Combust Methane". What are the correct coefficients to balance the chemical equation?

____ CH4 + ____ O2 → ____ CO2 + ____ H2O

  A) 1, 2, 1, 2
  B) 1, 2, 2, 4
  C) 2, 2, 2, 4
  D) 4, 2, 1, 1

7.6. The Game

  1. Select Game
  2. Choose Level 1 to start
  3. Each level has five equations for you to balance. When you think you have balanced the equation correctly, click the "Check" button" in the bottom center of the screen. You will be awarded points if you get the equation correct. You only get two attempts per equation.
  4. Continue on to complete both Levels 2 and 3.
  5. After you complete each level, enter your score in the appropriate question box for that level below.



Question 7.6.1

1. Enter your score for Level 1 in the box below by taking a screenshot and uploading it as a file into the answer box.


Screenshot Instructions

laptop: Use the snipping tool to highlight an area on the screen that can then be saved to your Google Drive.

Macbook: Command + shift + 4 then highlight the area on the screen that can be saved to your Google Drive.

Chromebook: Ctrl + switch key (button that allows you to switch between windows on top row) will allow you to save your screenshot in your Google Drive.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete
Upload files to the space allocated by your teacher.

Question 7.6.2

2. Enter your score for Level 2 in the box below by taking a screenshot and uploading it as a file into the answer box. Use the same instructions provided in question 1 above.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete
Upload files to the space allocated by your teacher.

Question 7.6.3

3. Enter your score for Level 3 in the box below by taking a screenshot and uploading it as a file into the answer box. Again, use the same instructions provided in question 1 above.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete
Upload files to the space allocated by your teacher.

Lesson 8. Lesson 8: Balancing Equations Continued

Carole Namowicz
100 min
High School Honors Chemistry

Lesson 8 Overview

This lesson is an activity using molecular model kits to balance chemical reactions. Students will build reactants, then disassemble the reactants to build products. Students are also asked to draw models of the overall balanced reactions on their handouts. After students understand balancing they will be provided with basic notes on a preferred element order to balance equations.

Lesson 8 Activities

  • 8.1. Please proceed

8.0. Student Directions and Resources

The Law of Conservation of Mass states: that mass is neither created nor destroyed in any chemical reaction. Therefore balancing equations requires the same number of atoms on both sides of a chemical reaction. The number of atoms in the reactants must equal the number of atoms in the products.

You will use molecular model kits to help you balance equations. You will begin by building reactants then disassembling them to build the products. If you have any atoms of the reactants left, you must go back and adjust the number of reactant molecules in such a way that none of the atoms are left over after you build the products.

After completing the activity you will be provided with basic notes on a preferred element order to balance equations.

You will need the following resources to complete this assignment.

8.1. Please proceed

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