Lesson 2. Introduction to Models

Kevin Hall, Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens, Philip Woods, Sugat Dabholkar, Kevin Hall
5-6 (45 minute) class period
Introductory High School Biology



Next Generation Science Standards
  • Life Science
    • [HS-LS2] Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
    • [HS-LS4] Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
  • NGSS Crosscutting Concept
    • Patterns
    • Systems
    • Stability and Change
  • NGSS Practice
    • Analyzing Data
    • Using Models
    • Conducting Investigations
Computational Thinking in STEM
  • Data Practices
    • Analyzing Data
    • Manipulating Data
    • Visualizing Data
  • Modeling and Simulation Practices
    • Using Computational Models to Find and Test Solutions
    • Using Computational Models to Understand a Concept
  • Computational Problem Solving Practices
    • Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Systems Thinking Practices
    • Investigating a Complex System as a Whole
    • Thinking in Levels
    • Understanding the Relationships within a System


Unit designed/developed by Dabholkar, S., Hall K., Woods P., & Bain C.


CODAP is developed and built by The Concord Consortium at https://codap.concord.org/  

Lesson 7 is based on the lesson Evolution in Action: The Galápagos Finches Authored by Paul Strode for Howard Hughes Medical Institute based on data collected by Peter and Rosemary Grant, Princeton University.

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation (grants CNS-1138461, CNS-1441041 and DRL-1020101) and the Spencer Foundation (grant 201600069). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations are those of the investigators and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organizations.


  • 1. Modeling Ecosystems
  • 2. Getting the wolf to move
  • 3. Making the model more realistic
  • 4. Analyzing the code behind the blocks
  • 5. Bizarro Ecosystem
  • 6. Wrap Up
  • 7. Moving from NetTango to NetLogo
  • 8. Zooming out
  • 9. Building the Ecosystem 2
  • 10. Bizarro World Part 2
  • 11. Wrap up

Student Directions and Resources

1. Modeling Ecosystems

Isle Royale

Ecosystems are often difficult to understand because they usually include interactions between a large number of species. Isle Royale is different. It is a relatively simple island ecosystem, located 24 km from the shore of Canada in Lake Superior.


While there are many types of small animals on the island, and almost 20 types of mammals, only two species of the mammals that live on the island are relatively large. These are the wolves and the moose. On this island, wolves are the only predator of moose, and moose are essentially the only food for wolves.


To understand nature, it helps to observe an ecosystem where human impact is limited. On Isle Royale, there are no towns and people do not hunt wolves or moose or cut the forest. It is a very rare place on the planet where wolves, their prey, and the plants that support the prey are all left unharvested by humans. Isle Royale is remarkable, because nature runs wild there.


Your challenge will be to build a scientific model that can more realistically simulate the interactions of wolves and moose on Isle Royale, in order to help make predictions about how these two populations may change over time. 


Question 1.1

Thinking about this community of wolves and moose in Isle Royale, do you believe that the size of the wolf population will change from one day to the next??


Question 1.2

Do you believe that the size of the wolf population will change from one month to the next?


Question 1.3

Do you believe that the size of the wolf population will change over the course of 30 years?


Question 1.4

Since moose can’t typically migrate on or off the island, what other factors might cause the size of the moose population to change from year to year?

Question 1.5

Describe what is going on with the population of wolves and sheep over time?

2. Getting the wolf to move

  1. Scroll down the page and interact with the setup and go (play) button.
  2. Drag blocks over to tell the wolf and sheep how to behave. Anytime you make changes click on the "recompile" button followed by setup and go (play).
  3. Blocks can be used multiple times.
  4. Blocks can be dragged to the trash to take them out of the code.
  5. Your first challenge is to make the wolf move around the field.
  6. Work on the other challenges found at the bottom of the page.

Question 2.1

Which blocks did you use to make the wolf move around the field? Choose all that apply.

  wolf actions
  wolf meets sheep
  pen down
  pen up

Question 2.2

Does the wolf look like it’s walking around the whole field or is just going in a straight line or circles? If the sheep aren't moving does the wolf get to all of them over time? Hint: Use the pen down block to have the wolf mark it's path.

  The wolf is moving around in circles.
  The wolf is moving in a straight line.
  The wolf is only moving around on some of the field.
  The wolf is moving around the whole field realistically.
  The wolf isn't moving.

Question 2.3

After you have gotten your wolf moving, spend time trying to figure out the best block combination needed to get more realistic wolf movement. Try changing the numbers found in some of the blocks. What is your ideal block combination for movement.

Question 2.4

Challenge: See if you can get the wolf to draw a dashed line or another pattern. What blocks did you use?

  wolf actions
  wolf meets sheep
  pen down
  pen up
  ask nearby sheep

Question 2.5

What other types of behavior blocks would you add to make this a more realistic wolf and sheep predator/prey model?

3. Making the model more realistic

The poor defenseless sheep should be allowed to move as well. Let's see how we can make this a more realistic model. Start by setting up realistic movement for both wolf and sheep and then move on from there.


  1. Wolves and sheep move around the field realistically.
  2. Make the wolf appear to eat a sheep when it runs into one.
  3. Make the sheep slowly multiply.

Question 3.1

Which blocks did you use to make the wolf eat the sheep? Choose all that apply.

  wolf actions
  wolf meets sheep
  pen down
  pen up
  ask nearby sheep

Question 3.2

Which blocks did you use to make the sheep multiply? Choose all that apply.

  wolf actions
  wolf meets sheep
  pen down
  pen up
  ask nearby sheep

Question 3.3

Which challenges were you able to complete?

  1. Wolves and sheep move around the field realistically.
  2. Make the wolf appear to eat a sheep when it runs into one.
  3. Make the sheep slowly multiply.

Question 3.4

What block(s) did you use to slow down the sheep reproduction?

  wolf actions
  wolf meets sheep
  pen down
  pen up
  ask nearby sheep

Question 3.5

Are there any blocks that are still missing that would make this model more realistic?

4. Analyzing the code behind the blocks

Now we will look at the computer code produced from your blocks.

Scroll down and click on the triangle next to "NetLogo Code" 

Drag some blocks over and look at the code that shows up in "NetLogo Code"

Answer the questions below.

Question 4.1

Look through the "NetLogo code". What is the copyright year and who owns it?

Question 4.2

Look through the "NetLogo code". What is the size of a wolf?


Question 4.3

Look through the "NetLogo code". What is the maximum number of sheep that will be allowed in the model?


Question 4.4

What does the "Hatch" block do?

Question 4.5

Challenge: According to the code, what will happen "if" there are more than the maximum number of sheep?

5. Bizarro Ecosystem

Now that you have created a more realistic model of wolves and sheep, what can you do to make an extremely unrealistic model ?


Use any combinations of blocks below to make your own unrealistic world of wolves and sheep. Explain your process below.

Question 5.1

Describe your unrealistic world and what are its unique qualities.

Question 5.2

Copy and paste the NetLogo code produced in your model below.

6. Wrap Up

Question 6.1

Do you think that scientist could use a NetTango model to study a simple ecosystem?


Question 6.2

What is one big idea that you have discovered in this lesson?

Question 6.3

What is the benefit of using a block based coding language like NetTango?

Question 6.4

What do you think is missing from this NetTango Model?

7. Moving from NetTango to NetLogo

We will transfer the code that you generated in NetTango to the new NetLogo model. This will give us the basic functions that you worked on before but allow us to make more direct changes.

1. Set up a model similar to the one you completed in the earlier lesson using NetTango. 

2. Scroll down to the full code and copy the code into the "NetLogo Code" section. Take a look at the animated gif for help.

3. Click the "NetLogo Code" button in the second model and paste the code there.

4. Click the recompile button on model 2 

5. Click setup and go in model 2.

6. Answer questions below.

3. After you paste the code, go ahead and click on the "recompile code".

4. Click the setup button.

Question 7.1

After you transferred the code to NetLogo and clicked setup and start, does the model look the same as version NetTango?

  A little different
  Very different

Question 7.2

The wolves and sheep can be transformed into other shapes or organisms. Go to the set shape line and change the shape for a wolf to a star.  Find 5 other shapes that you can change the wolves or sheep into and list them below. Remember to always click on the "recompile code" button after making changes.

Question 7.3

How can you change the number of wolves or sheep that start off the model? 

Question 7.4

What else can you change in the model by changing the code?

8. Zooming out

Let's take a look at this ecosystem. How can we change the code to make it more similar to the model below it. This will allow us to a wider look at this ecosystem. Open the NetLogo code tab and make the changes need to transform your NetTango model into a model that shows interactions on much wider scale.


Change your model to more resemble the animation on the right, by making changes in the Code tab. As before always recompile after making your changes.


Question 8.1

What are the differences that you notice between the models?

Question 8.2

What was the first change that you made to the code?

Question 8.3

Were you able to make your model identical to the other model?

  Only a little bit
  Not at all

Question 8.4

What took the longest to figure out how to change?

9. Building the Ecosystem 2

We have made the world larger and changed the agents and the world to more closely resemble the ecosystem of Isle Royale. It is still missing quite a bit of realism though. Lets see if we can fix that.

We have added several  useful tools to the model to make it easier to interact with the code.


Instead of changing the wolf and moose population sizes in the code, you can now use the sliders.

There is also now a graph that shows the population numbers from tick to tick.

Setup and Go!

*We will add some primitives here that students can add to their models to make them more realistic*

Question 9.1

Take a look at the population graph as ticks pass. Is the population of moose or wolves changing?


Question 9.2

How do you know?

Question 9.3

Based on this, what behaviors need to be added to the model that would make it more similar to the Isle Royale ecosystem that we are trying to model.

Question 9.4

Describe what is going on in the model.

10. Bizarro World Part 2

Now that you have created a realistic model of wolves and moose, what can you do to make this model extremely unrealistic? Explain your process below.

Question 10.1

Describe the changes you made to make your Bizarro world.

Question 10.2

Copy and paste the NetLogo code produced in your model below.

11. Wrap up

Question 11.1

Give an example of how a scientist might use a NetLogo model to study ecosystems. Think of something specific they might be abe to look at.

Question 11.2

What are some limitations of using a model like this to study ecosystems?

Question 11.3

How could a model like this be improved?