Lesson 5. Responses to Disease

Lauren Levites, Mandy Peel
Biology, Environmental Science
50 min
High School Bio or ES


This lesson focuses on the immune response from the immune system. 

It looks initially at the innate immune system, focusing on invertebrate organisms. There is a starfish simulation here.

It then moves into looking at the adaptive immune system, through a simulation where antibodies for different viruses are tested. It then looks at specialized cells (B cells and T cells) in mammals.




Next Generation Science Standards
  • Life Science
    • [HS-LS1] From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes


  • 1. Innate Immune System Intro
  • 2. Discovering Phagocytes
  • 3. Phagocytes and the Innate Immune System
  • 4. Adaptive: Antibodies and Viruses Model
  • 5. Adaptive Immune System: Specialized Cells

Student Directions and Resources

Have you ever wondered how an organism can "fight off" an infection? Why are some infections worse than others? Why are so many scientific studies, including immunology studies, done on other organisms?

In this lesson you will look at the structures and functions of the immune system that react to fight these infectious diseases. 

1. Innate Immune System Intro

Look at the photo below and answer the questions.

Figure 3


Question 1.1

Describe the structures in the photos. Pay attention to details like size and color. 

Question 1.2

Describe what is happening to the small red structure over time. 

Question 1.3

As you may have guessed, this image is related to the immune system. Which structure do you think is part of the immune system in this organism? Why do you think that?

2. Discovering Phagocytes

On the prior page, you were looking at a photo of cells in a mouse. Figure 3

You may have guessed that those large green cells were part of the immune system, as you watched it engulf the smaller red circle. In fact most organisms have some types of cells that provide a defense against invaders. A general term for these cells is phagocytes, which comes from the Greek root phagein, "to eat" or "devour", and "-cyte", the suffix in biology denoting "cell."

Phagocytes were discovered by Elie Metchnikoff in the 1880s. Watch the video below to see his experiments that led to discovering them. 


sea star phagocytes original exp from Lauren Levites on Vimeo.

Question 2.1

Describe the experimental design Elie Metchnikoff used in his famous sea star and the rose thorn experiment. 

Question 2.2

Today, we have significantly more technology than Elie could access in the 1880s. What is one way you think Elie could have used the technology we have today to educate others about his findings?

Question 2.3

Skepticism and denial of science is still something we encounter today. What are some things people can do to think critically about what they are hearing or reading? Where does trustworthy information come from? 

Question 2.4

Elie's original model has been used in lots of experiments throughout the world. What are the key parts of the model? Draw them below. 

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below

3. Phagocytes and the Innate Immune System


In the model below, discover what happens to the individuals in the sea star population when exposed to harmful bacteria. These phagocytes are part of the innate immune system. These cells provide non-specific responses, which means they respond to anything they view as foreign or an invader.


The Innate Immune System: 

The innate immune system is characterized by general, non-specific responses. The non-specific response is part of the innate immune system. Responses include sneezing, coughing and diarrhea. 
Physical barriers, such as the skin, also contribute to innate immune protection.
The innate immune system also protects us with chemicals such as acids in the stomach and enzymes in tears. 

Question 3.1

Click "setup" on the model. Each sea star has a random number of phagocytes. Below write how many phagocytes each color sea star has. Use the second number after the comma. Example: "Blue Star: 1, 8" means it has 8 phagocytes. 

Click the green + sign to add more rows to your data table.

Question 3.2

Press "go." Which star disappears first? Why do you think it was destroyed by the infections?

Question 3.3

Let it run until only 2-3 sea stars are left. What do these sea stars have in common? Why do you think they are still there?

Question 3.4

If you were a sea star would you want a lot of phagocytes or only a few? Why?

4. Adaptive: Antibodies and Viruses Model

We've been looking at a non-specific immune response, as phagocytes will move in to gobble up all types of invaders. But, how do some organisms become immune to specific diseases? That requires another level of immunity, called the adaptive immune system.

The adaptive immune system is mainly seen in vertebrate organisms. Although, there is some current research that points to some features possibly in invertebrates, like insects. 

Use the model below to discover one of the major features of the adaptive immune system: 

Question 4.1

Set all of the antibodies sliders to 0. Click "set-up." What is in the model? 

Question 4.2

Click "go." Click "Make Orange Virus" a few times. What happens to the cells in the simulation?

Question 4.3

Change the slider for "base-red-antibodies" to 3. Click "set-up" and "go." Click "Make Orange Virus." Describe what happens.

Question 4.4

Play with the antibodies sliders and making virus buttons. Click "set-up" each time to reset the simulation. Continue until you find an arrangement that allows the cells to stay alive. What happened that allows them to stay alive?

Question 4.5

One of the key features of the adaptive immune system are antibodies. From this simulation, what do antibodies do? 

Question 4.6

We said phagocytes show a "non-specific response." Why can we say that antibodies have a "specific response?" What do you see them doing in the simulation that is different from the phagocytes?

5. Adaptive Immune System: Specialized Cells

The Immune System:

These two parts of the immune system, innate and adaptive, do not work separately. They overlap and support one another through chemical signals sent via the bloodstream and lymph nodes. So, the next time you feel your heartbeat or you breathe, remember that your immune system is working just as hard, if a bit more slowly—it’s certainly helping to keep you healthy! 

The Adaptive Immune System:

Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system responds specifically to an invading virus or bacteria. The cells that contain the invading pathogen have an antigen, which the antibody responds to. Antibodies are the primary weapons of the immune system, since they are specifically designed to combat an invader. 
The adaptive immune response consists of B cells and T cells. 

  • B cells make antibodies, while T cells show B cells what kinds of antibodies to make. 
  • T cells also kill virus-infected cells, so that the virus can’t spread. 

B and T cells respond specifically to an invading organism, and remember when they have encountered a particular pathogen before. That way, when the pathogen invades the body again, the adaptive immune system can respond quickly and efficiently, preventing an infection. 

image source

Immune System Videos:

Ameoba Sisters Immune System

The Immune System: B Cell, T Cell, Soldier, Spy


Question 5.1

Describe the role B and T cells play in the immune response to a pathogen. 

Question 5.2

Why are specialized cells in the adaptive immune system considered more helpful than the general immune response of the innate immune system?

Question 5.3

Explain antigen and antibody in relation to the cells in the adaptive immune system.