Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Our experimental setup: the virtual syringe model

The models we used in the previous activities did not let us change the volume of the container. However, many gas containers, like balloons and syringes, grow and shrink. In this lesson, we are going to explore the relationship between container volume and pressure. To do so, we will use another slightly different model. This model will allow us to simulate a syringe; it will allow us to chance the position of a wall, so that we can increase and decrease the volume.

Begin experimenting with your model and explore the relationship between your dependent variable (pressure) and your independent variable (volume). Conduct a preliminary experiment as follows:

  1. Run the model with the default parameters (initial wall position = 30).
  2. Wait for pressure to stabilize. Take note. Also note the volume of the container.
  3. Move the wall to the right at least 10 units above 30 (higher volume).
  4. Wait for pressure to stabilize. Take note. Also note the volume of the container.
  5. Move the wall to the left at least 10 units below 30 (lower volume).
  6. Wait for pressure to stabilize. Take note. Also note the volume of the container.

Record the changes in the data table below.

Note: We already know that increasing the number of particles increase pressure. So, do not change the number of particles in your trials. Otherwise, your data may mislead you.


Please answer the questions below.

Record the results of your preliminary experiment below.

Mark your data points in the plot below.

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below

What kind of a relationship between volume-pressure do you observe from these three data points? Is it similar to our previous explorations (number-pressure, temperature-pressure)? Is it different? Please elaborate. (min 3. sentences).

In the next page, you will conduct your last experiment in CODAP in this unit. Design your experiment using the table below:

Dependent variable: (P)ressure
Independent variable: (V) olume
Research question:

Is there any relationship between these two variables?

If yes, what is the mathematical nature of this relationship?

Note: Once again, we cannot directly set the volume of the container. Instead, determine values for the "wall position" parameter.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.