Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Let's talk about our balloon sketches

Please set your computer aside briefly (do not close this page) and join the classroom discussion that your teacher is going to moderate.

Note: If your teacher did not initiate the discussion yet, you can start answering the first four questions below as you are waiting.



Please answer the questions below.

If the discussion has not started yet, start answering the following question (and the next 3 questions): Can you think of other real world objects that shrink due to outside temperature (except tires and ballons)?

If the discussion has not started yet, please answer the following question: Watch the experiment on the right carefully. Why does the balloon explode? (min. 2 sentences)



Before moving on, please reflect on the classroom discussion briefly: (1) How did your sketch compared to the other groups' sketches? (2) What were the similarities? (3) What were the differences?  (min 2. sentences)


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.