Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Computational Thinking in Science and Math

IV - Temperature and Pressure

In the previous two lessons, we used computational models of a bike tire to:

  • describe how "pressure" as a macro-level property emerges from the micro-level interactions between the gas particles and the container's walls
  • find a relationship between two variables, the number of particles and pressure, by conducting computational experiments and doing statistical analysis.




In this lesson, we are going to explore the relationship between temperature and pressure. To do so, we are going to use a new NetLogo model and the CODAP data analysis platform.

The goals of this lesson are:

  • Defining temperature in a gas container.
  • Understanding the relationship between gas particles' movement (kinetic energy) and gas temperature.
  • Analyzing the relationship between gas temperature (independent variable) and gas pressure (dependent variable).
  • Developing a mathematical model that defines the relationship between gas temperature and pressure quantitatively.