Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Testing our particle code with many particles

Now we can put our static particle sandbox model and our particle behavior block codes together. Let's use the combined modeling toolkit below to:

  1. Load your static model design from Page 4* using the  button.
  2. Re-create your blocks code and run it within your sandbox model.
  3. If the model does not behave as you anticipated, change your experiment design (e.g., add more particles, walls) or blocks-code to manipulate your model.

Note: If you don't remember the code you wrote in the previous step, you should be able to see a link to your blocks code screenshot below the modeling toolkit.

* If you did not save your design, try to recreate it as best as you can. But this time, don't forget to save it.


Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

When you are done building your model, save it using the  button. Upload your model file using the "Browse" button below.

Also take a screenshot of your model using the  button. Upload your screenshot using the "Browse" button below.

When you are satisfied with the way the particles behave,  and upload it using the "Browse" button below.


Please answer the questions below.

Did you have to change anything in this step (e.g., particles, walls, block codes)? If yes, please explain each change briefly.

Did your air-duster-can model work as you expected? Did you need to change anything? Explain briefly (min. 2 sentences)


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.