Preview - Electrons To Electricity - How Does A Circuit Work?


  1. Select Intro
  2. Build a circuit with wires, a battery, a resistor, and at least one switch.
  3. Investigate what opening and closing the switch does.
  4. When you have a handle on the function of a switch, try to create a more complicated circuit that allows certain switches to turn off certain light bulbs while leaving others on. If you are successful, draw it where prompted below.







Please answer the questions below.

What does a switch do?

Here is a basic formula for some code that a programmer might have written when designing this circuits simulation.

If (condition1) then (outcome one)

If (condition2) then (outcome two)

Fill in the parenthesis with your predictions of code for opening and closing a switch (and the appropriate outcomes).


Were you able to create a more complicated circuit that allows certain switches to turn off certain light bulbs while leaving others on? If so, draw it here.

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.