2. Engage - Datasets in Python

Jacoya Thompson, Jacob Mills, Shruti Researcher
1 class period, 42 minutes
AP Statistics


In this lesson:

Students will engage in a pre-assessment using Python and Jupyter notebooks.

Given output table for given set of data, interpret the standard deviation in context. 

Ex table output:

  1. Plot table in python (screenshot/code)

  2. Interpret std for given data set (text box)

  3. Interpret mean for given data set (text box)

  4. Change labels (25%, 50%, 75%) to (Q1, median, Q3) within Python code. (screenshot/code)

Underlying Pages


Computational Thinking in STEM
  •   Data Practices
    • Analyzing Data
    • Manipulating Data
    • Visualizing Data
  •   Modeling and Simulation Practices
    • Using Computational Models to Understand a Concept
  •   Computational Problem Solving Practices
    • Computer Programming