Now you will acquire data and create a graph using the same simulation integrated with an online data analysis platform called CODAP. Below, you will see a CODAP workbench. CODAP will allow us to visualize our data immediately upon entering it into the platform.
Let's begin with familiarizing ourselves with the CODAP environment:
- The platform is below these instructions. Notice the starting volume at room temperature of 23°C has been entered for you.
- Adjust the slider bar labeled "gas-temperature" to a temperature other than the starting temperature.
- Begin the simulation by hitting "setup" and then “go/stop”.
- Allow the simulation to run for 100 ticks before pressing the "record-data" button. Notice that your data will appear in both the data table as well as create a data point on the graph at right.
- Record volume measurements at 3 additional temperatures (for a total of 4 temperatures as 23°C has been entered for you), waiting 100 ticks after changing the temperature to click "record-data" (one should be the minimum temperature and one should be the maximum temperature on the gas temperature slider bar).
- Observe the resulting plot. Then answer the questions below the CODAP workbench.