Preview - Kinetic Molecular Theory

A Simulation

The simulation below shows gas particles inside a container with a moveable lid.

Begin the simulation by hitting "setup" and then “go/stop”. Observe the gas particles as they move around the inside of the container. You have control over the temperature inside the container which can be adjusted by moving the slider bar labeled "gas-temperature".

As soon as you feel comfortable with the functionality of the simulation, move on to answer the questions below.



Please answer the questions below.

Observe the gas particles at 23°C, do they all appear to be moving at the same speed?

Describe what occurs when you raise the temperature to its maximum setting. Include both what gas particles are doing and the overall volume of the container in your description.

Describe what occurs when you reduce the temperature to its lowest setting. Include both what gas particles are doing and the overall volume of the container in your description.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.