Preview - Unit 4: Epidemiology Unit

Discovering Phagocytes

On the prior page, you were looking at a photo of cells in a mouse. Figure 3

You may have guessed that those large green cells were part of the immune system, as you watched it engulf the smaller red circle. In fact most organisms have some types of cells that provide a defense against invaders. A general term for these cells is phagocytes, which comes from the Greek root phagein, "to eat" or "devour", and "-cyte", the suffix in biology denoting "cell."

Phagocytes were discovered by Elie Metchnikoff in the 1880s. Watch the video below to see his experiments that led to discovering them. 


sea star phagocytes original exp from Lauren Levites on Vimeo.


Please answer the questions below.

Describe the experimental design Elie Metchnikoff used in his famous sea star and the rose thorn experiment. 

Today, we have significantly more technology than Elie could access in the 1880s. What is one way you think Elie could have used the technology we have today to educate others about his findings?

Skepticism and denial of science is still something we encounter today. What are some things people can do to think critically about what they are hearing or reading? Where does trustworthy information come from? 

Elie's original model has been used in lots of experiments throughout the world. What are the key parts of the model? Draw them below. 

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below


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